Shizen Shigoku said:* actually I believe tobacco does have some medical benefit. The stress-relieving / calming effect it has on both the mind and body makes for good mental health. I also believe marijuana has even more and better medical uses, yet I'm sure if both were illegal they would be in the same category as heroine and cocaine (which also have medical uses).
Just the fact that every other drug in existance (legal or not) is more dangerous than marijuana is enough to make any argument about drugs being illegal for medical reasons completely stupid.
I performed a search on a medical journal database called medline from 1966 to present and to the best of my knowledge (according to my results of the search) there is no medical benefit to nicotine/tobacco. The stress relieving effect you are refering to is actually relief of nicotine withdrawl symptoms.
People, marijuana is not a benign substance. Psycholigical dependence does occur with it. As far as medicinal benefits are concerned, I do believe that in a certain population it's use as a "painkiller" may be warranted but it should be limited to only those few (who generally are terminal) and would probably be made a class 2 controlled substance. In addition, casual use as one would abuse a cigarette would only cause a greater incidences of heart disease (10x the carbon monoxide than that of a cigarette) and mouth/tongue/throat/lung/just about any other cancer and an increase of chronic bronchitis and/or emphysema (2x the tar than that of a cigarette). Second hand smoke, even in a smoke-filled room such as a bar (not anymore in NY, thank goodness) does not cause psychological effects on a second-hand smoker, while second-hand marijuana smoke is more likely to affect those around you.
Delta-9-THC is an approved medical substance in just about any pharmacy. The brand name is Marinol, and is used primarily for... drum roll please... giving people the munchies!!! Yes, it is an appetite stimulant (this just in...).
It also is used for controlling nausea and vomiting.
Another interesting tidbit... Have any of you seen the news reports (CNN, MSNBC, Fox have all had some report on this about 3 weeks or so ago) about this "miracle drug" that lowers cholesterol, causes weight loss, saves the world from tyranny, etc.? It actually works by blocking cannabiniod recepters... in other words it's an anti-marijuana! This does also imply that chronic marijuana use would raise cholesterol levels, make us even fatter, creating even more heart disease......................
Just some thoughts on the drug itself -- people often make the case "I don't want the government telling me what I can/cannot smoke, it doesn't effect anyone but me!!" But all of the increased heath risks associated with marijuana effects the whole healthcare system (or what's left of it), as well as our pocketbooks -- yes, less will be spent prosecuting criminals but more will be spent in terms of healthcare dollars. Whew. Sorry for the longwindedness.