You are looking at the guard when it is in place. I'm looking at the motion the hand makes when it goes from extended punch to guard. Once it's in guard it's no longer pulling hand but chambered. Pulling the hand back makes it possible to effectively punch with the other hand.His pulling his hand back was not a factor in him landing his hook first. It was his block near his face. Had it not been there her hook would have landed first.
It's that pulling motion that I'm referring to. Pulling the hand to high guard is fine as it is one of the the basic: One hand attacks the other guard. Blue never looked as if he hand made it to guard position nether low mid or high. From what I can"t tell if her hand was raising as if she was trying to get it to high guard but it didnt make it or if she was going to leve it lower. She never saw that punch coming. For the position she was in the high guard is the best choice.