The Last Person.....

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Sounds good. Have fun!!!!


Went OK, we worked kung fu today. Lots of basics and then worked a bit on the Tiger/Crane and some on Tiger Claw ... good stuff, but kung fu wears me out!
Why is it more wearying than other things? The stances?

The stances are part of it, I believe it is the total body involvement. Even in the basics, punching and kicking, the entire body is involved. Just my take. I'm older than I use to be, that for sure, but all I can tell you is that the kung fu stuff wears me out more than the kempo. it more effective, or less efficient?

I'm still new to it, the Kung Fu that is. Here's how I see it. Kung Fu is long-hand, Kempo is short-hand. We intergrate Kung Fu into our Kempo to make it more effective. I'm not speaking for all Kempo types, but where I come from, watching even masters perform techniques, they don't use their bodies to help generate power, they use speed and multiple strikes. Kung Fu teaches us to use our entire body to generate power in our strikes and manipulate the attacker.

Not sure that answers your question, but that's all I have for now ...
Evening all do not have alot of time got classes in a few, but will be back after all is said and done.
Evening all do not have alot of time got classes in a few, but will be back after all is said and done.

Good afternoon Mr. Martial Talk Ultimate Post Whore Extreme. I won't be around all that long either. I will be heading over to our Encinitas location to teach classes tonight.
Good afternoon Mr. Martial Talk Ultimate Post Whore Extreme. I won't be around all that long either. I will be heading over to our Encinitas location to teach classes tonight.

Thank you for those kind words, remember the school comes first until we hit those magical numbers.
Thank you for those kind words, remember the school comes first until we hit those magical numbers.

Hey Mr. Martial Talk Ultimate Post Whore Extreme, do you realize that if your hadn't gambled at all here in the Casino, you would now have $72,562 ... you'd be leading the world!
Hey Mr. Martial Talk Ultimate Post Whore Extreme, do you realize that if your hadn't gambled at all here in the Casino, you would now have $72,562 ... you'd be leading the world!

Yea but I am addicted to given play money away.
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