The Last Person.....

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Life is what it is.
On the Arnis front, the latest gossip is that Grandmaster Ernesto Presas is going to touch down on the west coast on Sunday. I don't know, however, exactly when he will head up here to the Pacific Northwest. I'm excited, tho'
Cool! Hopefully he will be coming up your way and then you can get a fix.
Afternoon All...Its been a VERY BUSY morning here in LE land...But a finally got a break to say " Hello everybody in LPT Land "
Sorry about not being around, took a job teaching after a 15 years lay off, so it has been hectic to say the least. Besides I was a high school teacher before now it is first grade so the adjustment is a bid one.
Today we are Co-hosting a small tournament abot two hundred people, so been also putty busy with that. I will come back and post after we are done. Take care of this thread. I feel it is been a little slow and it is looking like it is about to cry.
OK back after a great tournament, we all did wonderful, will posy later about the results.

Right now it is time to say Good Morning to the LPT
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