The Last Person.....

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We all can appreciate your delima, schedule change hurts everybody involved

Yeah she swapped over to nights because she is going back to school for biology with a pre-med track and this will free up some study time and class time during the off days.
Yeah she swapped over to nights because she is going back to school for biology with a pre-med track and this will free up some study time and class time during the off days.

I wish her the best of luck
It is something she has wanted to do for a while now. She feels the Nursing profession and her have different views on things and feels much more drawn to a DO program. She has been an RN for 13 years and never felt it fit well. After much discussion and prayer, it is something she has to at least give a try for.
Well it appeares the boys want to go over their techniques again. If I live through the next 9 days I'll be amazed. They are so excited, it is going to be the first promotion for both of them, and I am being the proud Papa here. I think this is more exciting than any promotion I have recieved myself. :)
I am being the proud Papa here. I think this is more exciting than any promotion I have recieved myself. :)

The BEST to them..You have every right to be proud...
Well it appeares the boys want to go over their techniques again. If I live through the next 9 days I'll be amazed. They are so excited, it is going to be the first promotion for both of them, and I am being the proud Papa here. I think this is more exciting than any promotion I have recieved myself. :)

Sounds like you have done a wonderful job
Well it appeares the boys want to go over their techniques again. If I live through the next 9 days I'll be amazed. They are so excited, it is going to be the first promotion for both of them, and I am being the proud Papa here. I think this is more exciting than any promotion I have recieved myself. :)
And that's the way it should be - it's the way I feel about my students, since I don't have any kids - I am always more excited for them than for myself.
Morning, Drac - no school today, but I think I'm going to run out to the grocery store before it gets too busy.
Morning Angel...Couldn't find any decent coffee, so it's Coke Classic.
Hi again everybody. Quick break in the action here. Thanks for the thoughts about the Ruffians.

Kacey, i am beggining to see what you mean about students. Even though they are not my students, I have been helping out in the kids programs and it is exciting to see them grow. I almost died the other day when I went to the school to pick up the Ruffians. One girl came by and with the bubbly, enthusiasm only a 5th grade girl can contain, breezed by with a "Hi Sensei Gordon!" I actually looked around to see if my brother was there, before it clicked she meant me. Me? Sensei? NOOOOOO! I am way too crappy in the art to be called that. It just makes me happy to see them moving forward, not only my own, but the other kids in the classes. There are 6 moving up in rank, and now I know why my brother does this. :)
Morning, Drac - no school today, but I think I'm going to run out to the grocery store before it gets too busy.

Don't waste time here, GET MOVING...In a couple of hours it's gonna get REAL IGNORANT...
Yeah, I'm getting ready to go now - especially since I need regular groceries, not Thanksgiving stuff; I'm out of milk, and fresh stuff; the freezer is stocked, and the pantry, but I want to finish wiping out the fridge first, because right now it's almost completely empty.
Yeah, I'm getting ready to go now - especially since I need regular groceries, not Thanksgiving stuff; I'm out of milk, and fresh stuff; the freezer is stocked, and the pantry, but I want to finish wiping out the fridge first, because right now it's almost completely empty.

It's almost 1100 here..What time it it there?????
Not quite the same, but it'll do. How's your day?

I was relaxing having and having coffee with my wife when the phone rang..I was supposed to be in radio at 6:00 AM. The weekend supervisor never told me..I set a new land speed record...
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