The Last Person Thread - 3.0

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Good luck to Sue, Mark, and also ks- learning to fly on you're testing today. Focus and stay strong.........
Life is good, take the time to smell the (coffee)......................... coming dear. :)
Getting ready for class.

Good luck KS, and good morning LPT. :)
Sorry I have been gone so long, we moved back into the house we built ten years ago. I can truely say it is good to be back in the place you built from the ground up. We made a decission about seven years ago to make it a rent house and move into something smaller and closer to our church. Now I know why we have always enjoyed this place because it is a two story and I have room to keep all my ****. Just waiting on the last load of furnature to come this afternoon and we are done.
Sorry I have been gone so long, we moved back into the house we built ten years ago. I can truely say it is good to be back in the place you built from the ground up. We made a decission about seven years ago to make it a rent house and move into something smaller and closer to our church. Now I know why we have always enjoyed this place because it is a two story and I have room to keep all my ****. Just waiting on the last load of furnature to come this afternoon and we are done.

Good to hear. Some folks here were afraid you might have been kidnapped by aliens.
Da, da, TADA!

Heres todays News Banquet, by Cyriacus! Its delicious, and new!!!...s.

To get Us going today, the Cinemas are positively crowded, following the release of
The Love of Lizzie Borden 2: Lizzie Boredom!
On an amazing planet, in a time of terror, five singers try to find vengance and oppose terrorism! HOLD ON TO YOUR HATS, Ladies and Gentlemen.
Also screening in a Cinemas near You,
Charles Ressurected! Body of the Monster! Festival of the Dragon! And Offspring of Paul Bunyan: The Movie of the Game!

And now, the Weather.
Its looking bright and moony tonight, from here in Downtown Fieflyre!
We are predicting some showers, and possibly some activity from the sun, some time tomorrow morning.

In other [[//NEWS\\]], our team of expert Journalists are working tirelessly, on such exciting upcoming articles, as "
...Queen Victoria was responsible for the Gulf War?"
I cant wait to find out!

And now, an Article from our expert Article writing guy, John Doeson!

A fusion of the legend of Samson and the story of Jack and the Beanstalk, set at a vetrenary hospital.
The philosophical meanings of this article, are deep. And articulate.
Pay attention, ladies.
One day, Jack was walking down a street, when some dude named Samson came along and offered to sell him some beans.
And Jack was all like, yeah dude. Totally.
And Samson was like, ten bucks dude.
And Jack was like, but dude, i dont have ten bucks dude.
Then Jack bought the beans and went home, and planted them next to his weed.
Jack got all 4-20 up in here, and fell asleep somewere. Like, near a cadillac or something.
Then Jack woke up in a Veterinary Hospital.
The End.

Were nearing an end of todays News Banquet.
And You all know whats coming next!
Whats that? I CANT HEAR YOU!
Thats right!
On the left here, we have...
This curious catgirl has slanted, green eyes. She has medium-length, fine, curly yellow hair with a green patch in front, worn in a straightforward style. Her skin is cream-colored, and she has yellow fur with green streaks on her ears and tail. She has a wide-hipped figure. Her tail is plume-like and carried straight. She usually wears a rumpled blouse and skirt. A streak of exhibitionism is obvious in her personality.
And on the right, the outstanding...
The magnificant...
This compassionate catguy has slanted, green eyes. He has long, curly gray hair with a white patch in front, worn in a severe style. His skin is tan, and he has gray fur with white stripes on his ears and tail. He has a lithe build. His tail is tapering and carried straight. His fashion preferences are best described as "skimpy." Always thinking, a lot seems to be going on in his head.
[FONT=Arial, Tahoma, Helvetica, sans-serif]I NEED TO TAKE A BREATH HERE, FOLKS![/FONT]

[FONT=Arial, Tahoma, Helvetica, sans-serif]I hope Youve enjoyed todays News Banquet.[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Tahoma, Helvetica, sans-serif]Now, 30 minutes worth of Advertisements.[/FONT]

Sorry I have been gone so long, we moved back into the house we built ten years ago. I can truely say it is good to be back in the place you built from the ground up. We made a decission about seven years ago to make it a rent house and move into something smaller and closer to our church. Now I know why we have always enjoyed this place because it is a two story and I have room to keep all my ****. Just waiting on the last load of furnature to come this afternoon and we are done.
Good to hear from you, terry. Glad things are good and you're getting back on tract. :)
Sorry I have been gone so long, we moved back into the house we built ten years ago. I can truely say it is good to be back in the place you built from the ground up. We made a decission about seven years ago to make it a rent house and move into something smaller and closer to our church. Now I know why we have always enjoyed this place because it is a two story and I have room to keep all my ****. Just waiting on the last load of furnature to come this afternoon and we are done.

Good to see you back, Terry. Glad you were able to escape from the aliens. How did the obligatory anal probe go? No implanted chips or anything?
Branched out to sing a John Legend song last night. Did pretty good.

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How did it go today??

I'm just as pleased as I can be.

Sue did a good solid form, her sparring was good, and her break was excellent. She's now 3rd geup.
Mark did an excellent form, very good sparring, but had some trouble with his break. It was an axe kick, and the person holding had problems bracing. And he's not able to do it as a speed break. Changed holders and he got it. He's now 4th geup.


I wonder how KS did?
They did indeed. Couldn't be happier with their performances.

So now I have till Tuesday to get them up to speed on Palgwe 6 & 7.
You mean he's a Super Secret Ninjer Cyborg from another planet...

Sent from my iPhone using TapaTalk.
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