The Last Person Thread - 3.0

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Very good arnis class today...but the new Krav Maga students kind of think they know everything, and they don't.
Hey is it ok if I say something here? Forum's been too quiet lately!

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Very good arnis class today...but the new Krav Maga students kind of think they know everything, and they don't.

That sounds bad and expectable. I'm sure you'll be able to change their minds, though - unless they've come to a point where they're so indoctrinated they're no longer able to learn anything new.
By the way, have you thought about the effect of a good beating in that kind of student? :p

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Still feeling very run down. Worried that a cold is trying to sneak in. Got the EmergenC, multivitamins, and green tea close at hand trying to banish it away!
chicken soup with crushed red pepper and a few rounds in the sauna/steam room.
Jack Daniels ... it is so terrible and we have so much of it in the house :(.
Jack Daniels ... it is so terrible and we have so much of it in the house :(.

I would offer to help but 1) you are on the opposite side of the pond and 2) I can't stand Jack Daniels (or is I can't stand up after it....I forget)
Tired and frustrated. My company Flatbed decide to grenade this afternoon. Wonder how long it will take them to get that back on the road. In the meantime....Corporate in their "infinite" wisdom took away our back-up rig a couple months ago. Now I get to drive a "mini-van...oh well, I guess when I start telling them the salesman that their product won't fit maybe it will properly motivate them. *sigh* I am getting to old for this.
Got a song in my head. Listened to it four times today already but it won't go away. I'm going crazy!

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Got a song in my head. Listened to it four times today already but it won't go away. I'm going crazy!

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Had that problem earlier. But for the life of me I could figure out where I had heard "The wheels on the bus go round and round,..." Anytime in the last 20+ years.
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