The Last Person Thread - 3.0

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So ... Honors Integrated Math 2 (whatever the hell that is), AP Human Geography (glorified social studies?), Freshman English (this I understand), Principles of Engineering (must be why he is taking Freshman English), Concert Band (duh), and PE Weight Lifting (he picks things up he puts them down). Oh, and marching band in the fall. Not terrible for a Frosh schedule.
Met my sister last night, great food, good to catch up and ended up watching World's End. Not bad although Hot Fuzz and Shaun of the Dead are better in my opinion. Now kick boxing tonight :)
feeling sick
work piling up
football game tomorrow
Husband home....
I think I should retreat to the steam room in the gym....
Have to buy my daughter a graphing calculator. TI 83 or TI 84 are recommended... but there are choices. Silver edition? Color screen? How much do I need to spend and what does she need? Anyone? Help?
I ma sure they worked out the bugs in the last 25 years, but I have no good experience with TI gear.

I'd probably take a Casio....
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