The Last Person Thread - 3.0

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Looking at gray skies, hoping it won't rain tonight since we are going to a baseball game....
The penguins were being fed, which prompted my 7 year old grandson to suggest I bring my SCUBA gear to the zoo next time...
Back from the ballgame...had a good time.

Kid insists he was wise to our ploy...but as mad as he was with me when he and his dad left, ;) yeah, right!
Not looking forward to my return trip to the Middle East next week.

Wheresoever you travel and in what company you find yourself, stay safe, my friend. That whole region, from what little the news tells us, is very unsettled again.
So last week we saved two kids from a burning car. The one is still in hospital. The other had minor injuries and was released from hospital the next day. So I arrested him last night for Driving Drunk. I guess he didnt learn. little dissapointed
We were busier then a one eyed cat watching two mouse holes. Time to go home to my empty house and go to bed.
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