The Last Person Thread - 3.0

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I'm still in my pajamas. I'm Playing music for 1500 people tonight, I'm giving myself a day to live like a rock star :D

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I don't like showers before going to work! I shower in the evening so I can go to bed clean.

You know you can take more then one? I can't go to work without a shower I feel yucky if I don't even if I took one went right to bed got up for work I have to take another.
Here too, but we rocked everyone silly.

First gig for the new band is in the books, and it was for the biggest audience I have every played for :)
Its a rare thing to be able to truly save someones life. Well last night my shift and I saved 2 teens from a burning car. I have never been prouder of the guys I work with. I pulled the first kid out and started medical treatment on him across the street and I got to watch my guys not care about themselves risking their own lives trying to get the other kid out as the fire grew bigger and bigger. These guys never once thought about themselves. My shift Rocks.
Oh and the best part was it happened about 50 yards over the city line in the county so we didnt need to do the report......WINNING
I am so very proud of you, my friend :sensei rei:.
I am so very proud of you, my friend :sensei rei:.

Not me my friend I grabbed the easy one out while the fire was small. My squad kicked butt and took names. They were in and out of the car under it over it trying to free the kid and suppressing the fire. They got the fire out and stayed with the kid until fire dept and ems arrived. Took a while to cut him out. Both kids flown to shock trauma. Alcohol, teens, and high speeds are bad combo.
I can't say it enough how amazing it was to watch my team jump in and work. Usually when your in the middle you don't get to see the entire scene unfold but from where I was I saw it all it was a unique look I'm not use to seeing.
Its a rare thing to be able to truly save someones life. Well last night my shift and I saved 2 teens from a burning car. I have never been prouder of the guys I work with. I pulled the first kid out and started medical treatment on him across the street and I got to watch my guys not care about themselves risking their own lives trying to get the other kid out as the fire grew bigger and bigger. These guys never once thought about themselves. My shift Rocks.

Only knowing you through here, I can only assume that you work as a paramedic or fire rescue or something similar - but thanks to a volunteer firefighter pulling one of my brothers from a burning car more than 30 years ago, I still have a brother - and I have since shook hands with every rescue personnel I meet to thank them for what they do and how selflessly they put themselves on the line every day. And yes, you do rock!! :) Whether or not I get the chance to one day thank you in person - please know that I am forever grateful for you doing what you do - it gave me back my brother, it gave my brother a lifetime, and it means EVERYTHING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)

Playing with smilies...

Watched the 1500m from the decathlon earlier (Worlds)
Is it just me or are those guys a lot less buff than in the 80s?
Daley Thompson was a bear!
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