The Last Person Thread - 3.0

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That feeling when you wake up and it feels like your head has only just hit the pillow. To then get to work and realise your getting all the visual cues that indicate a migraine is on its way.
That feeling when you wake up and it feels like your head has only just hit the pillow. To then get to work and realise your getting all the visual cues that indicate a migraine is on its way.

Sorry to hear...........
That feeling when you wake up and it feels like your head has only just hit the pillow. To then get to work and realise your getting all the visual cues that indicate a migraine is on its way.

I've been having a lot of ocular migraines recently but thankfully they have rarely escalated up to the full blown eighteen-hours-in-bed-being-sick migraines I used to get. I reckon the odd weather patterns have something to do with it - the barometric pressure has an influence on migraine occurrence I think (from personal experience).
Heard this for years and likely read it long before that, but I never paid attention. Last week I actually listened and much to my surprise… I am more tolerant of people and less angry, and that is saying something these days

Heard a recording of the Dalai Lama talking about "Right view", and "Right intention", numbers 1 and 2 on the 8 fold path… and no one is more surprised by this that me
Spent the day at the zoo with kids and grandkids. Way too hot, but worth it.
No, Denver. Denver has a better primate exhibit. We're going to Cheyenne Mountain later in the summer. They have great giraffe and penguin exhibits.
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