The Last Person Thread - 3.0

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Some shaved ice will fix your problem, Xue...
Or diving with sharks. Either one.
Back went out yesterday. Usually happens about once a year. Pain rating on a scale of 1 to 10 was at a 9. Today it is at an 8!
Training continues irregardless because of commitments! Hoping that by tomorrow's intensive it is at a 5. Cross your fingers for me! ;)
My sympathies my friend :(. And for Xues's flaming knee again too :(.
Back went out yesterday. Usually happens about once a year. Pain rating on a scale of 1 to 10 was at a 9. Today it is at an 8!
Training continues irregardless because of commitments! Hoping that by tomorrow's intensive it is at a 5. Cross your fingers for me! ;)

Fingers are crossed
My sympathies my friend :(. And for Xues's flaming knee again too :(.

Thanks but my knee is recovering much faster this time Tuesday it was (on a scale from 1 to 10 at about a 7.5 today it is a 2.... of course my knee has been a pincushion the last 3 nights..... but it is getting better, thanks

If I survive the weekend and lawn work, all will be good
Lawn work is the root of all evil. Stop doing that.

Xeriscaping is your friend. :D

And anyone who brings you chocolate ice cream is your friend, too, of course.
It would still be all yours. I don't like peanut butter. But it's the thought that counts. :D
TKD tomorrow morning. Spending the afternoon underwater (it's a POOL Xue, no sharks) checking all our gear.
and now for post #800 !!
OK OK I hear you calling me. I'll be right there bed just one more second.
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