The Last Person Thread - 3.0

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Gave up wheat and breads back in Oct. Got assigned to a new sector of the city my new sector has 2 of the best bakeries in town ugggh every time I ride by and smell them u wanna crack. Willpower don't fail me now.
The sun is shining and the sky is blue; the wind has teeth but still a nice day. Currently planning what flowers to plant for my wife - the cemetery has a lot of rabbits that seem permanently hungry so if anyone has some thoughts on what rabbits might not eat they would be most welcome.
Gave up wheat and breads back in Oct. Got assigned to a new sector of the city my new sector has 2 of the best bakeries in town ugggh every time I ride by and smell them u wanna crack. Willpower don't fail me now.

go, have will likely get sick as a dog from it and temptation is then curbed....

But yeah... fresh baked goods....we kids had that problem: going shopping with Grandma. the fresh loaf of bread in the car, freshly ground coffee and still an hour from dinner was sooo tempting to just start nibbling....
The sun is shining and the sky is blue; the wind has teeth but still a nice day. Currently planning what flowers to plant for my wife - the cemetery has a lot of rabbits that seem permanently hungry so if anyone has some thoughts on what rabbits might not eat they would be most welcome.

which of course is tricky, since what grows one place can be very different from the next.
My wife got my kids a bunny.... .. ..... I'm sending it to someone's garden he's already feeding native ones so whats one more right buddy :-)
My wife got my kids a bunny.... .. ..... I'm sending it to someone's garden he's already feeding native ones so whats one more right buddy :-)

Uhhh...if one's male and one's female, you might have a lot more than just "one" more :D :D
Uhhh...if one's male and one's female, you might have a lot more than just "one" more :D :D
Its only one. Apparently my daughter won it at an egg hunt in a prize egg. What kinda sick people give out pets as prizes. I'm going to find the organizer and give his kids a drum set.
Awesome revenge, my friend :double thumbs up: (and thank you for making me laugh; quite a blessing for my spirit after all the tears I have shed today (it wrenches my heart anew when I go to Michelle's grave)).
Awesome revenge, my friend :double thumbs up: (and thank you for making me laugh; quite a blessing for my spirit after all the tears I have shed today (it wrenches my heart anew when I go to Michelle's grave)).
I'll send you a bunny to hug. Apparently we have one now.......
:grins: Maybe if we ask about recipes for hopping-leporidae-related comestibles that 'new house guest' problem can be productively resolved without causing any prior agitation in the younger residents? ... :angel:
:grins: Maybe if we ask about recipes for hopping-leporidae-related comestibles that 'new house guest' problem can be productively resolved without causing any prior agitation in the younger residents? ... :angel:
My wife and my kids would throw me out. BUT if he some how escapes his cage. OH THATS RIGHT YOU DONT WIN A DARN CAGE. Seriously who just give freaking bunnies out to kids no cage no food now nothing just hey kid congrats here's a bunny. I'm seriously dumbfounded right now at the stupidity of people.
My wife got my kids a bunny.... .. ..... I'm sending it to someone's garden he's already feeding native ones so whats one more right buddy :-)

Please don't do this. Find an animal shelter. Domesticated breeds do not do well in the wild.
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