The Last Person Thread - 3.0

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No no no

more like these

Oh snowed...and it is still snowing...... oh joy

Oh look...tomorrow it will be above forty....flooding....oh joy
Sunny and warm today, but snow is coming.

I'm done with this whole winter thing...
Just what the heck is your infatuation with Denver?

Wait, don’t answer that, a friend of mine use to live there….and I know what his infatuation I might know why already ;) :D
DIA isn't half bad, as airports go. Much better than Stapleton was, in my opinion.
The TSA sucks though.
That is the worst Bronco statue ever. Honestly, it looks like some sort of half-skeleton, half-zombie hellhorse. I never know if I ought to sprinkle it with Holy Water or cut off its head.
they do kind of imply the thing is possessed. Didn't help that the sculptor got killed by it....

But the picture is awesome!
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