The Last Person Thread - 3.0

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Lets see what is the temp right now.....14F which is -10C

And the Weatherman said it might get as high as 20F which is about -7C here today..... might
I’m burned out, I’m spent, I have had enough…please make all computers go away

My job is computers and requiring a heck of a lot form me that I am trying to avoid

I am typing on a computer which I wish I could avoid

I am in a Grad program for computers and I cannot keep up with the reading, it is making no sense and I cannot even begin to figure out how to do this case study…… and there are still two rather extensive labs to do....

Have you ever had the numb feeling in your brain and you knew there was absolutely nothing else going to go in and stay….. I’m there
Capt Bob gets that feeling all the time.

That's usually when we notice the rum being gone.
Capt Bob gets that feeling all the time.

That's usually when we notice the rum being gone.

Sadly no Rum was ever there...just copious amounts of computer, network, software reading... typing.... and various other things a guy over half a century old should not be doing.......
we're back in the 60's where we belong. We had almost 2 weeks of cold weather! Can you imagaine? TWO WEEKS! Brutal! I'm SOOO over winter...
Speaking as a guy who has not seen 60 degrees since October and who is not likely to see it again until around about April....... I am not sure you have any idea what winter is :D

Currently it is 20 here.... and
I don't mind if I'm snowed in and can't go to work. It's when it's just ICKY but I still have to go to work that I object...
Way back when I was in security for the state I was considered "Essential Personnel" which meant I had to go to work no matter what. One year the governor closed the state because of snow and I still was expected to drive the 40 miles to work...on road that were closed. I had a 1974 full size 4x4 blazer then and it was parked 6 feet from my bay window... and I could not see it.... I called in and told them I was not coming
Way back when I was in security for the state I was considered "Essential Personnel" which meant I had to go to work no matter what. One year the governor closed the state because of snow and I still was expected to drive the 40 miles to work...on road that were closed. I had a 1974 full size 4x4 blazer then and it was parked 6 feet from my bay window... and I could not see it.... I called in and told them I was not coming

The hospital has the same attitude. I maintain that it is not worth becoming a patient trying to get there. I certainly make every effort to get there, but I'm not getting killed trying.
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