The Last Person Thread - 3.0

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:grins: Level cap in LOTRO is now 75 - used to take about four to six weeks to hit level 65 :). I am a bit of an addict to LOTRO ... nineteen characters over three servers :eek: ... but only have one at the cap so far.

The level cap for D2 was 99. That tool months and months. I did 2 to 99 and then swore off. By mid90-s the chars were unbeatable anyway so why bother.

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At this time, in 7 days, we will be at the airport getting groped by the TSA goons. Cozumel will be mid-upper 80s with 81-83 water. Ahhhhh :)

Sent from my iPhone using TapaTalk.
Enjoy, we will hold down the fort while you're gone. :)

You may think you will be using the iPhone using TapaTalk, but the wife may have something to say about that.
I have been listening to a lot of Rainbow and Dio today and came across this brilliant comment whilst browsing:

Justin Bieber claimed God Granted him with a singer's voice.Ronnie James Dio looked down from heaven and said "I did no such thing..."
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