The Last Person Thread - 2.0

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i just want to learn CMA, as close to traditional as I can get. Ive seen those website offering study programms at the temples but i dont know how legit they are


Define what you mean by CMA.

There is Yiquan in Boston and Xingyiquan in Montreal. Bagua in Springfield Mass and Chen in NYC (for a rather high price) but there are other in California that are cheaper. There are some rather good Southern styles in Fla and a good Wing Chun teacher in Albany NY. Go to California and you get Adam Hsu. Back to Boston there is again Xingyiquan and Bajiquan (But I doubt the man will teach you or anyone he does not know REALLY well Baji and it is doubtful even if he does know you). There is White Crane in Texas and there are other rather good school in California. There is a Shaolin Monk in NYC that has a school there is also a Taoist that has as school (I think he is or was in Florida) and back to NYC you have Shuaijiao. There are also other rather impressive teachers of various CMA styles all over the US. And of course there is always China and Taiwan.

Note about some of these guys that teach in the US, particularly the older more traditional guys; they do not advertise. My Yang Sifu will not and there was a rather amazing Yiquan teacher in NYC that did little or none (Sadly he pass away recently).


There is also one that looks really good in Albany NY that should be avoided at all costs too. Looks, in CMA, can be deceiving
Kind of feel like a ninja, able to come and go On LPT Without being detected. Gives me a sense of power.J
good evening all!
Define what you mean by CMA.

There is Yiquan in Boston and Xingyiquan in Montreal. Bagua in Springfield Mass and Chen in NYC (for a rather high price) but there are other in California that are cheaper. There are some rather good Southern styles in Fla and a good Wing Chun teacher in Albany NY. Go to California and you get Adam Hsu. Back to Boston there is again Xingyiquan and Bajiquan (But I doubt the man will teach you or anyone he does not know REALLY well Baji and it is doubtful even if he does know you). There is White Crane in Texas and there are other rather good school in California. There is a Shaolin Monk in NYC that has a school there is also a Taoist that has as school (I think he is or was in Florida) and back to NYC you have Shuaijiao. There are also other rather impressive teachers of various CMA styles all over the US. And of course there is always China and Taiwan.

Note about some of these guys that teach in the US, particularly the older more traditional guys; they do not advertise. My Yang Sifu will not and there was a rather amazing Yiquan teacher in NYC that did little or none (Sadly he pass away recently).


There is also one that looks really good in Albany NY that should be avoided at all costs too. Looks, in CMA, can be deceiving
The only CMA school I know of in town teaches Hung Gar (Sifu Mike Marshall).

Im interested in learing as much as possible but i have a lot of interest in Ba Gua. Also I just want to visit China and if I can train while Im there thats all the better

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