The Last Person Thread - 2.0

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i was very very lucky. The way my car looked i should have been killed

It sounds like a fortunate occurrence if it left you "scared straight" then.

Fortunately I never really liked the taste of alcohol nor the feeling of being under it. I didn't start drinking until red wine became healthy and now have a glass a day on my internist's advice. I don't enjoy it; I'd rather have white if I had to have wine. By preference, I order a milkshake when my friends have drinks.
It sounds like a fortunate occurrence if it left you "scared straight" then.

Fortunately I never really liked the taste of alcohol nor the feeling of being under it. I didn't start drinking until red wine became healthy and now have a glass a day on my internist's advice. I don't enjoy it; I'd rather have white if I had to have wine. By preference, I order a milkshake when my friends have drinks.

I have beer or 2 and then its water.....
Yeah, I am not sure about driving in South Bend, let alone Chicago. I have been in a one stop light town for the past 11 years. I drive in the mountains with four wheel drive real well though.
I think a few years ago I was on here bitchin about building fires, but now I miss it a lot. No wood stove here and it's colder if that doesn't make any sense.
I use to love all the girly drinks, but not no more. Tastes good going down but once it comes back up it looses it's appeal.

I almost swore off drinking after sleeping in the cool embrace of the procelin godess after my first experience
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