The Last Person Thread - 2.0

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Yes I am positve, by the way look at my name on top. The Martial Talk Ultimate Post Whore Extreme.....
Well when you are up against the Ultimate Post Whore Extreme.... the only thing left to do is bow :asian: ... apologize and admit defeat :D
Jb good to hear from you, we will I will say I am OK. Had health issues and still do but still teaching and trying to be a better man these days. What have you been up to?
Basically not having a job :( . I have managed to get in a few months of temp work that helps pay the bills. I just went to an interview yesterday and I've got another one next week (cross your fingers for me). Other than that things are OK. Family is going good. I haven't been able to train because of the whole not having a job thing, but I will get back into it as soon as I can afford to.
Basically not having a job :( . I have managed to get in a few months of temp work that helps pay the bills. I just went to an interview yesterday and I've got another one next week (cross your fingers for me). Other than that things are OK. Family is going good. I haven't been able to train because of the whole not having a job thing, but I will get back into it as soon as I can afford to.

I was wondering where you were

Welcome back, glad to hear the family is good and good luck with the job search
how can crack kill... yet give life.... think about it.
Milestone posts for LPT-2.0..Started by Bob Hubbard on Nov 09 2008 at 11:45 AM...There has been much confusion about the term milestone..The FIRST is always a milestone, the 100th is a milestone..After that it seems some folks had a problem with what posts that could be considered milestones, so to keep it simple every 1000th post is a milestone.

Bob Hubbard #1
Arni #100
14 Kempo #200
Arni # 300
Drac #400
Terry # 500
Drac #600
Kempo06 #700
Terry #800
Terry #900
Drac #1000
Terry #2000
Terry #3000
Drac #4000
14 Kempo #5000
Raynac #6000
Drac #7000
Terry #8000
Terry #9000
I'm still processing pictures from 3 events. I'm getting pixelated. LOL!
My friend who I have missed so much :asian:

Welcome back! :-partyon:

I've been noticed! My stealth skills are not up to par apparently!

Gotta hit the ninjutsu books again!
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