The Last Person Thread - 2.0

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Sitting here watching two of my BB teach class and typing on this computer. My next class is my competition and then adults YEA!!!!!
Man this place has been dead all day, maybe it is like a virus and I am the only cure.
Arni what is going on this weekend? Me just classes and then rest. The kids are spending the weekend witht he grandparents, so just me and the wifey.
Enjoy! My parents are due in tomorrow. This afternoon I'm going to see a FMA friend and we're going to practice some knife- and axe-throwing.
Hey Terry and Arnisador enjoy the time and the training.

Myself I am recovering from some good morning private
lessons. Lots of stick and blade work.
It was soooooo hot today that someone threw up at practice this morning. He was a Yankee transplant, of course ... :boing2:
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