The Last Person Thread - 2.0

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Doing fine just aout ready to go to breakfast with the family, how are you doing today?
Can't complain. Getting ready for our Dojo tourney today. Invited three other schools to come over and fight. Then BBQ and talk story....Good times
Just finished up teaching a Neck Crank Intensive a little while ago.

Now it is onto Chinese Food!
Spent some quality family time, played putt putt golf and go karting. We also went to the driving range to hit some balls today. Tooj the oldest out and let him drive the car so he can learn to drive and become a responsible driver. All in all it was fantastic.
Hey Terry, how goes it? It's a nice 70 degrees here and am glad I'm not at work. Got one more week off. Just got back from the park and played on the jungle jim with my son and now he's taking a nap. That sounds pretty good actually
Go take a nap, If I could I would but I am at my school waiting for classes to start.
Wish I could. Wife had a sweettooth and decided to make some cookies, she got as far as mixing the batter, then the boss told me to bake them. Go figure, I'm not the one that wanted them...LOL
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