The Last Person Thread - 2.0

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It's pretty ironic, really. It was life in my sleazy crack 'hood that prompted me to start MA lessons. Instead, the lessons have built my confidence to the point that I'm re-examining my financial situation and realizing that I'm not trapped here as I thought I was!

Hell, an escape is an escape. I'll take whatever works.
On the topic of housing, I am getting ready to do a refinance so we can update our rental and get some stuff payed off. I would like to get 1 or 2 more duplex to rent out. They can be a pretty good payoff. As long as the tenants pay the rent on time.
still trying to escape from NY. Wedding is in a few weeks, hopefully by the end of summer be able to start moving. No clue yet exactly where but we've got options on getting to TX and figuring out where to go from there. :)
And Bob, let me know how things work out. I am trying to figure out how to relocate to somewhere except here and I am not sure what we are going to do.
Evening all, justarrived at the TKD school looking for some extreme people today.
Just got home from work and the wife still hasn't gone into labor, any time now. Maybe when i get back from from the dojo. Still don't know what causes that!
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