The Last Person Thread - 2.0

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Good evening, sorry for the lack of being here. I have been getting ready for Multi Culture week at school and we are preforming for the entire school. What pressure, just kidding.
Going well Terry. Just got done with one of my kickboxing students and I am going to enjoy a nice evening home.

And yourself?
Good Saturday everyone. I am done training clients for the day and I am going for a walk with the wife. I believe that we will be downing some Chipotle this fine day and relaxing.

Might train in some Kenpo this afternoon.
Just got done with tutoring and now at my school for classes. Better here than there.
Good morning tp all my friends of the LPT. Where have you all been, I have been busy with teaching and trying to run the Martial Art school. We have put on 9 new students ove the last ten days and I am confident we are turning the corner to break even. Well I need to go look around the forum be back later.
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