The Last Person Thread - 2.0

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Back from lunch, on to grading...everyone is gossiping about who our new pres. will be now that the old one has resigned. It's a mystery!
Back from lunch, on to grading...everyone is gossiping about who our new pres. will be now that the old one has resigned. It's a mystery!

Got to luv a good mystery. If anything is inevitable in this world, other than knowing that someday you'll die, it is that there will be change. Join in on the gossip, start a really good rumor. See how long it takes to come back to you and how much it has changed.
Why not amuse myself, eh? But actually after today we're on break for a full week, so I'll have to wait.

Yeah ... When I was having to work in an office on a daily basis, I was not beneath starting a good and rather wild rumor. Satisfied all the clucking hens.
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