The Last Person Thread - 2.0

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At that day job right now getting ready for class to start and what is going on with you?
Good morning all. Just got done with one client, not a slacker, and getting ready to teach adult indoor cycling. WoooHooo!!!!

Time to make someone puke.
same here.

ive come up with a new goal, im going to win the lottery, quit my job and do MA's all day

sound good?


Of course it does. Good luck with that. I had to abandon that thought pattern, being that I don't buy lottery tickets, I felt I would not be able to win.
Of course it does. Good luck with that. I had to abandon that thought pattern, being that I don't buy lottery tickets, I felt I would not be able to win.
that would make it hard to win yes.

well if i win big enough, ill send some your way so you can just run the school and thats it

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