No food, or drink, out I go. AFter a longer than expected hunt in the store I find the same printer that I had. Great! You think. Just gotta plug it in and print right? WRONG!!!!!!!!!
I install the software twice and try to print. I get communication error! I try and try, the same thing. Now I'm already behind the time I leave for school. SO, bumper to bumper in my future and no parking. That aside....
I had to delete the printer and re-add again and again. "Just some rare glitch" he said and I laughed sarcastically knowing that I'm a playtoy at this point..2 days and counting!!!
Really dragging! I rush to school and get there 1 minute before class. I had chnge in my pocket from buying the printer and figured I get a Pepsi at their machine....WRONG AGAIN!
I had a dollar and 2 fives. Thinking I had the change, I left the coins on the counter at home. The soda costs $1.25! SO, no boost for me! Just gotta dig it out!