The Last Person Thread - 2.0

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Up early and more tired than I started. The last bit of Pepssi gone! Someone else drank it, though I put it aside, knowing I'd need a boost....
No food, or drink, out I go. AFter a longer than expected hunt in the store I find the same printer that I had. Great! You think. Just gotta plug it in and print right? WRONG!!!!!!!!!
I install the software twice and try to print. I get communication error! I try and try, the same thing. Now I'm already behind the time I leave for school. SO, bumper to bumper in my future and no parking. That aside....
I need to call their serveice #. 45 Minutes later I get the guy. After an argument, as I have no previous file with them..he starts to help.....
I had to delete the printer and re-add again and again. "Just some rare glitch" he said and I laughed sarcastically knowing that I'm a playtoy at this point..2 days and counting!!!
Heh. HS, if thats a major worry, then you're life is pretty good mate.
Really dragging! I rush to school and get there 1 minute before class. I had chnge in my pocket from buying the printer and figured I get a Pepsi at their machine....WRONG AGAIN!
I had a dollar and 2 fives. Thinking I had the change, I left the coins on the counter at home. The soda costs $1.25! SO, no boost for me! Just gotta dig it out!
Have to read at work so that will help pass time and make my tiredness worse..but........
So, here I am-hungry, tired, no work done, and just languishing! Hopefully it's all passed!
Now that it has warmed up outside, the heat in the lobby is melting me and I'm already light headed as it is a nd dreary--TORTURE!!!!!
If you weren't sleepy before, I bet you are now!
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