The Last Person Thread - 2.0

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I could tell from your other post in the Kempo section
. It's ok, I'm loopy too. No need to play nice though, as I said we have a section for that sort of thing. You'll still be my MT Angel too.

It appears that my Puritanical self ruined the fun. Good! Nothing but descency shall prevail in here!
I'm down with Puritanical fun. Easier to stay out of trouble that way. :D
Bless you Miss! :asian: I think the country as a whole could use a dose of puritanical fun. This girls gone wild culture is gross!
Yah. Not my thing either.

Go back to that rescuing the damsel in distress part? That was pretty cool! :D :D
Very true too. I've done it many times in my life. And as you can imagine, that's not a popular stance to take among guys. Add to that "the dragons" were much larger than I was.....
But you stood up for what you believe which takes a lot more gut than what many other guys have. Plenty others that would have just said the heck with it when something got too tough.
Well, I gotta get ready to go. Take care Carol! I'll talk to you later! Have a great day!
Pretty good thanks. Gotta go see the Doc later.

How's y our day going?
pretty good so far. Im sore as hell. Met with the trainer on monday and he did a strength test. Manged to press 450lbs on the incline (machine where the weights move on a hinge. so not an olympic bar). Then I worked out at the dojo on tuesday and the gym again last night so my body is in pain

Wow, 450lbs, that's impressive.

I'm a little sore today as well, but for completely different reasons. Got back into BBT(had to leave for a while do to gas prices) and the ukemi kills me.
Wow, 450lbs, that's impressive.

I'm a little sore today as well, but for completely different reasons. Got back into BBT(had to leave for a while do to gas prices) and the ukemi kills me.
its made easier by the fact that it has its own spotter, so that takes away the mental challenge of the olympic bar.

cool, glad you could get back into it. My legs are killing me from Kempo, we did one leg kicking drills...not fun

its made easier by the fact that it has its own spotter, so that takes away the mental challenge of the olympic bar.

cool, glad you could get back into it. My legs are killing me from Kempo, we did one leg kicking drills...not fun

My wife does that in her TKD. Not fun at all.
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