The Last Person Thread - 2.0

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:erg: Fun? Vacation time? You west coasters!!!

My friend, I haven't been on a vacation since I was in Colorado last ... I was 24 years old, half my life ago ... so there.
The point is you went to a snowy place for one. We have it come to us in a devious event which requires much work and misery. As for your vacation, well you got me beat. I took one finally since '96 last year. So that was only 11 years.
The point is you went to a snowy place for one. We have it come to us in a devious event which requires much work and misery. As for your vacation, well you got me beat. I took one finally since '96 last year. So that was only 11 years.

Yes, I got your beat ... I need a vacation ... LOL ... Hey, on an up note, my school broke even for the first time ... hip, hip, hurray!
That is good news indeed, especially with the econonmy the way it is. God bless! More success to you!
Are you charging for an audience to watch and marketing to them with special offers?

Well, it is free to our students ... not exactly, we are asking for donations from them. We are charging for those outside of our school that want to attend. We are giving out some tickets to local businesses for some cross-marketing opportunities as well.
Hey guys...just got in from my pre-storm panic shopping...LOL

How are you doing? :asian:
Hello fine sir ;)

Shop till ya drop is right. I hate, hate, hate grocery shopping at Wal-Mart but they are the only 24 hour grocery around. The place was pretty busy considering it was after midnight when I got there.
Hello fine sir ;)

Shop till ya drop is right. I hate, hate, hate grocery shopping at Wal-Mart but they are the only 24 hour grocery around. The place was pretty busy considering it was after midnight when I got there.

Well, ya got there, ya got it done, ya made it home ... so there

Have a good night! I need my beautty rest.
Not Yet. The sky is still somewhat clear actually. A delivery guy said that it was toward Worcester though.
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