The Last Person Thread - 2.0

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Not a lot. Pretty much the same old same old here.

How's things with you?
Great Kids are back from P.E. so I need to go once more and then the High school game is tonight and since I am the coach, I need to be there.
Man five hours and no post, well we lost to the best team in the district. I am so proud of my team they never gave up when they knew they was going to loose.
In some ways that's even better than winning. Get that indomitable spirit going!
Pretty gosh darn good.

Just relaxing with some White Horse wisky.

How you doing?
Gonna go see what I have recorded on the DVR.
Sounds like a decent way to pass the evening in this weather.
I heard Cuyahoga Fall has about a foot and a half. Is it the same up where you are?
I heard Cuyahoga Fall has about a foot and a half. Is it the same up where you are?

I am not far from CF and we got about the same amount...It was a nice sunny day so a lot of the ice and snow has melted
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