The Last Person Thread - 2.0

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I lost 6569 posts, so there ...
True. But the ones that were truly brilliant and added to the quality of others training stayed in the count. It's just the ones in the "chat" type threads that disappeared. Much as someone once told me "If you can count the number of true friends you have on the fingers of one hand you're a lucky man." so too can you say the same about truly meaningful posts. :asian:
The restaurant we wanted to eat at was packed and we couldn't get in, so we went to one that was nearly empty.

You can guess how this story ends... :(
True. But the ones that were truly brilliant and added to the quality of others training stayed in the count. It's just the ones in the "chat" type threads that disappeared. Much as someone once told me "If you can count the number of true friends you have on the fingers of one hand you're a lucky man." so too can you say the same about truly meaningful posts. :asian:

I wasn't complaining ... so there, again
No I am fine just waiting to get some work done for some people and get some e-mail out before bedtime to those people. You know typical work related stuff.
Fun stuff ... hope you are able to get it all done.

I am alot of cutting and pasting and fun stuff like that, but it will be done as I am posting here on MT. Thanks to whoever came up with the ideal of multiple wndows when you are on the computer.
Always have reservations when eating out. Otherwise you get no desert!
I had beans today for dinner. Beans are very good for you. They provide fiber and help you be musical.
I like beans.
Good morning Drac!
Brian and Drac good morning how are you two, yesterday it was 80, so today the high will be 36. Gotta love Texas weather.
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