The Last Person Thread - 2.0

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Well I need to get eady for a Holiday party at the inlaws. Man I just want to stay home but the wife and kids look forward to it every year.
Make the best of it, Terry. Just think, you could be home alone on this Christmas Eve, like I am.

Sometime I wish I was but then reality kicks in and I enjoy my family too much. I hope you have a peaceful time. What about going to see your sister and there family?
Sometime I wish I was but then reality kicks in and I enjoy my family too much. I hope you have a peaceful time. What about going to see your sister and there family?

They're up in the mountains. I'll be going over to my instructor's house tomorrow.
They live at home still, so family it will be, I'm sure.

See ya later, Terry.

Stopped at the school and while I was here I signed up a new student. He is 17 and was looking into it for self defense and heard about me. I do not know if that is good or not but he signed up.
Shopping done good for you Arni, what did you decide for the wife?

Her big gift is a new sewing machine--but don't tell her! (And yes, it's something she really wants for fun crafty stuff, not just something to darn socks with!) I also got her some books and a CD and some candy and some other little stuff, but a fancy new sewing machine is the big one.
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