The Last Dragon

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Originally posted by Shinzu

the soundtrack is excellent! i like the glow song the best.

You got the glow the need grow the glow to go etc etc
Something like that .. that the one?

I like the one Vanity did .. Seventh Heaven or something?
Is that one on the soundtrack????

And of course, don't forget the classic 80's song, by
El Debarg ... "To the beat of the rythmn of the night" hehehe
those are the tunes :)

i see someone remembers the lyrics...LOL

"just bring that punk to the designated spot, at the designated time.. and i will gladly designate his a$$ for dismemberment!"

"sure... whatever you say mr. nuff."
What ever happened to the kid who played Jr. ? If I remember correctly he was a 5th dan in Chinese Goju. I am presently having a brain freeze, so I can't think of his instructors name. Who also founded the system of Chinese Goju, and I believe he studied with Peter Urban? The gent who played Jr., was a very talented martial artist. Which made a basically b-movie worth watching.

Salute in Christ,
I like it because I thought it fit the description of a well tuned athlete that could fight.

You know the guy from all the Karate Kid movies? The teacher has never stuided MA in his life.
taimak is a great martial artist, but im not sure what ever happened to him after this movie.

actually taimak never acted before this movie and julius j. carry (aka sho'nuff) was an actor but never studied martial arts.

taimak's instructor was thomas ikeda. im not sure whether he was involved in the arts or not.

alot of actors have not studied the arts but have "acted like they do"

in karate kid, mr. miyagi and daniel both never studied MA and were coached through the movie.
I believe you're correct in your assesment of Mr.Miyagi, and the ever graceful Danielsan's martial arts background. Although if I remember right. It was Mr.Pat Johnson (Tang Soo Do Congress/Mr.Norris Blk Blt) who did the training of the principles.
Also I think the double for Pat(Mr.Miyagi)Morita was the very talented Mr.Fumio Demura, but I am not sure if he worked on the original, and/or the subsequent installments?

Salute in Christ,
i'm not sure who was the stunt double either, but they sure were a bunch of great movies. i would say that the third one is my favorite.

Oh, I figured that you were gonna be a nice guy and would be willing to give him a lift to school so that he wouldn't get the snot kicked out of him by the cobra-kai... instead you're one of the cobra-kai. Wonderful :rolleyes:
Yes, Daniel-san has secret weapons only known by those in Miyagi-san-do. Crane technique. If done right, no can defense. Drum technique, if spin right and no get dizzy, no can defense. Not to mention mantis technique. Pray for life if you see this kick unfurled at you, cause you have no hope.
both movies were excellent. i was very happy to see the last dragon on dvd. i never thought that was gonna happen :)
Taimak appears in the current issue of Black Belt magazine, helping Ron Van Clief demonstrate techniques.

I see he has two movies coming out this year (he's credited as Taimak Guari in one of them).

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