Favorite movie martial arts lines

Sho'nuff: Am I the meanest?

Sho'nuff 's Goons: Sho'nuff!
Sho'nuff: Am I the prettiest?
Sho'nuff 's Goons: Sho'nuff!
Sho'nuff: Am I the baddest mofo low down around this town?
Sho'nuff 's Goons: Sho'nuff!
Sho'nuff: Well who am I?
Sho'nuff 's Goons: Sho'nuff!
Sho'nuff: Who am I?
Sho'nuff 's Goons: Sho'nuff!

Sho'nuff: I can't hear you...
Sho'nuff 's Goons: Sho'nuff!
The Hunted,

Samurai: what are you doing (with my new sword)?

Christopher Lambert: Just messing around, killing time.

Samurai: Time does not die, just people.
From Black Dynamite:

Who the hell’s interrupting my Kung Fu?!

It may be bigger than you and it may be bigger than me, but it’s not bigger than you AND me; can you dig it?

I shoulda known you'd be behind this, Fiendish Dr. Wu. Your knowledge of scientific biological transmogrifications is only outmatched by your zest for Kung Fu treachery!

and finally:

First Lady, I'm sorry I pimp-slapped you into that china cabinet. I used excessive force. Oftentimes, I cross the line, but I try to do so in the name of what's right. Most of the time, the ends justifies the means. But in this case, I feel like I betrayed my own code of ethics. And for that, sugar, I apologize
[the Professor's dying words] Look at this. Look at what they make you give. ~ The Bourne Identity

My current favorite is in the movie Geisha Assasin. In the begining she is fighting two Samurai and one says to her "You are pretty good" and she replies "You dropped something" as she picks up his hand off the ground and throws it to him. I really don't like the movie but god I love that scene.
One of my favorites was from i'm Gonna Git You Sucka from Kung Fu Joe.

"Just you 57 cops against Kung Fu Joe? Master of kung fu! Karate! Ju jutsu! And a whole bunch of s**t you ain't never heard of!"
To followup on Taekwonjojo92's Showdown in Little Tokyo great one-liners:

Earlier in the movie, Dolph is moving around ninja-stealth-quiet-like

Later in the film, he and Tia Carrera shag, afterwards, she says to him:

"That time I heard you coming."