Best Movie Villains


Mostly Harmless
In keeping with the general theme going on in the Rec Room, (which I am really enjoying!) it's a commonly held belief that the movie is only as good as its villain. So, who are the best villains from film history.

I'll start with a few of my favorites:

The Kurgan from Highlander. One of my favorite scenes is when he's driving with a hysterical woman in the car singing "New York, New York." So many quotable lines from him in that movie.

Kahn from Star Trek 2: Wrath of Kahn: While I've never been a huge Ricardo Montalban fan, he was terrific in this movie.

Sensei from Kobra Kai from Karate Kid
- I don't remember his name, but who can forgive him for saying, "Sweep the leg, Johnny. You got a problem with that?"

Malificent from Sleeping Beauty: She turns into a frakking dragon, people! A dragon!

Max Cady from Cape Fear: I mentioned this one before when I talked about Di Niro's range. He was awesome in this movie.

Frank from Once Upon a Time in the West: One of my favorite westerns and a departure for Henry Fonda.

Darth Vader from Star Wars: That's right. not the Emperor. Darth Vader is the villain that made episodes 4-6 so incredibly awesome.
I liked the actor Brian Cox as hannibal lector in the first film "Manhunter." No disrespect to Anthony Hopkins but I thought Brian cox was better, especially with the limited time he was on screen.