Purple Belt
There is no hapkido documentary in the works at the moment. Most of my docs took time, the shortest one for me took two full years of work and most take much, much longer. They seem easy but never are. Right now, with the limited time i have to be with him, I am helping him create a working grid and getting materials together for some possible articles written by an outside or third party. Nothing in the end is up to me as I stated and I try to help and nudge it along as much as I can because there is interesting information there to be shared and many questions as highlighted here to be answered. I just shared what I could as I do on the forum when i have time, the rest is up to him. A good part of 2013 I am on some of my professional non martial arts projects that will keep me very busy. The martial arts stuff writing and filming are labors of love I pay for myself, so again thats another reason they take time that even for me are often horribly frustrating. Thanks again to everyone for sharing your thoughts and I hope some positive things will come of it.