*** The Dragon's Breath!!! ~ #5 ***

Fing Fang Foom

Green Belt

Issue 5 already! Welcome to the next installment of the Dragon's Breath. The whole staff appriciates all Nine of our faithful readers; we are so glad that each of you view the newsletter several times to make it appear we get a lot of views :lol: With that said, here we go...........Enjoy!:D


Our 64 1/2 staff members had it hard this week... So many great posts!!! BUT, one stood out among the others, and even though not everyone agreed on it, it sure as heck started some good "blah blah blah" :D So without further ado..... This weeks COVETED award goes to:



Good ol' Master Dan sure ruffled a few feathers this week with his post; "Responsibility"; and for that, An offical "no-prize" is headed for your mailbox! :D

~ Part 13 ~
Testing time again, Wushu or no Wushu?, and another tape!

So once again I am starting with a Dragon Kid update. Saturday she tested for her 'advanced gold' belt. Once again she totally kicked **** if I say so myself. Her Ax kick at the end was reported on the evening news as a 5.7 earthquake!:lol: ;)
Of course on Wednesday we found out the offical results that she had passed her test. Great job DK! :D

Now on to Lil' Tiger. Well if you remember from last week we were thinking about broadening her MA's horizon with a little Wushu! Well I called and left a message with the NW Wushu center ran by none other then Tianyuan Li... She is a 3 time Chinese national champ AND the motion capture model for the playstation game; "Soul Calibur" (and cute too) :lol:


Well, she actually called me back and said LT was more then welcome to come to the beginner class last Sunday...Sadly, we were swamped with stuff we had to do and we never got her up to Seattle. This weekend though, I am going to make a great effort to attend the class for LT (and to meet Tian too) :D

As far as LT's classes went this week, she did Awesome! She is listening a whole lot better and starting to remember a bunch of the little things that are expected of her in class. I am very proud of her!! Some of the newer parents are frustrated with their kids when they don't pay attention or do other silly things instead of listening to the instructor...inside I chuckle to myself and think; "Hey, that was me only four months ago"! :lol:
Lil' Tiger did so well this week that she earned a little piece of black tape on her belt for being respectful both at the Dojang and at home! :D Daddy is very proud of you little one, keep up the Great work! Til next time....



Hi everyone this is Dragon Kid, (not my real name of course). I hope you like my funny links but this week I am asking if you can palezzze vote for my Do Jang to win the best of western washington! Here is the link :)
it will only take a minute so please vote, ok! TY!!!! :)


Year of the Tiger!

Tiger's beware! All of the other zodiac members are jealous of your cool birthyear! LOL If you are born in this year step up your MA's another notch. You are a true master out there on the mats and everyone around you can see your mad skilz! Eat a lot of fruit this coming week as fiber may be your only friend. Avoid fast cars and Carnival workers... That Carny that works the Tilt-a-Whirl may be cute as a dirty button, but trust me, the Hepatitis found on that ride has not even been named yet! :lol:
Your lucky numbers this week are:




This week I am going to talk about something dear to my heart; TRAINING, and what it takes to be considered good at your art.

Thirty nine years ago I walked into my very first TKD school but it was not called TKd, it was called Korean Karate. There was this small of a man standing there teaching classes with a cane in one hand. As his students stood there he would walk by and tap them on the back of theirs legs so they would go lower in the horse stance and say something that nobody really understood but a few and everybody else just listened and followed those that knew. He was not a giant of a man but he sure had the attitude of one, when he spoke everybody jumped and did what he said. Over the weeks that I was training, I learned to watch and mimic his movements and his flow of techniques and I was amazed by his grace. This was the first time in my martial art journey I had no clue what he was saying; but boy did I learn.

After a year or so he came to me and said; 'you are ready'. I was like great I am going to become a Black Belt. He said be here at 6:30 a.m. Saturday, I just smiled and said yes sir. I went to bed early Saturday (well for me it was), it was almost 3 a.m. but I was at a club and well you already know how this turned out. I woke up kinda hung over but still ready for that test, I got to the school about 6:15 a.m., nobody was there so I waited in my car for someone to show up. Three hours went by until he finally showed up with a couple of other guys, I got out of my car and approached him, he walked in and I followed. He went to his little office and I was left standing there. I asked the other students 'what am I suppose to do'? They just looked at me and walked away, another hour passed and I was sitting and then getting up and sitting again. I was so frustrated that I could not see straight, he came out and said put on your gear, so I did. The other gentlemen came out and was wiping the floor with me like I was a rag-doll. When we got done about two hours later he went back to his office, the other people changed and left, I was standing there once again by myself wondering what just happened and why. All kinda thoughts went though my head, he called me in and said; 'you fought with anger', and that I was out of control just like in sparring class a lot of the time. I simply asked; 'did I pass'?, he smiled and said 'passed what'? I responded with the test for BB, he again smiled and said young one you have so much to learn and started to walk away. A few minutes later he said time to go home, I had no clue what just happen but left anyway. Went home and told my friend what happened and they all thought I was training with a nut job. Monday came and I went back to train still angry about Saturday. After class I walked up and said I am confused about Saturday. He simply said; 'you can never become what you want until you become you who need to be'. I finally got it. My anger was my enemy and until I learned to control it I can never achieve my goals in life. That is when I knew TKD was more than an art of fighting, but rather a way of life and the journey was mine and mine alone. I really hope that everyone in their life journey can become what they truely desire to be, but first remember you must become what you want to be.

The Master


Hope you all enjoyed this issue of the Dragon's Breath! BTW, it has been Ranked the #1 Online Newsletter in the WORLD, by none other then the Woman's rotery league in the Korean City of Gwangmyeong!. A big round of applause to all of you for making this dream a reality ;) :lol:
So, until next time...
Continue to Fight and Train with Heart & Fire!!!
What is the Name of your Dojang again

When you click on Dragon Kid's (my daughter Beautiful's link), it will go right to their voting page; "US Martial Arts Center" :D :D

Thanks for voting, she will be very very happy... She is trying to be the #1 Lobbiest for her Dojang :D :D :D

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