*** The Dragon's Breath!!! ~ #4 ***

Fing Fang Foom

Green Belt

Wow! Has a month gone by already? With this 4th installment of the "DB" we celebrate our 1st month of existance. Thanks for all your comments so far, as always we hope you continue to enjoy the show :D


Late into the night as always our 64 1/2 staff members read and re-read all the great posts from this past week. There were a lot to choose from but as always there can only be one winner. Again, they looked for posts that were: provoking, humorous, or just generally create good amounts of blah blah blah'. This weeks COVETED award goes to:



Congrats T-MAN! He won this week with his great posts: "Being all serious, Respect here today, and Does a TKD school need"! Great job as always my man; An offical "no-prize" is headed for your mailbox! :D

~ Part 12 ~
The Tattoo gun, LT continues to roll, and Testing to skill not time!

So, FFF has been looking at the computer for the last 60 min's waiting for the urge to post. A few Coors lights have done the trick and I am ready to get the blah blah blah started! This week was my wedding anniversary... As some of you may remember (From Manny's tattoo post) my wife "Mrs Dragon" wanted a tattoo gun for our 17th anniversary. So with a click of the mouse and a payment to Yahoo our tattoo gear arrived on the day before our big day. My wife did not want to learn to tattoo me, but wanted to have me tattoo her instead :lol: Coming from a long line of Polynesians she Loves Tatau's (as she calls them). Of course this word was later mangled by us "whitey's" to come up with the word tattoo. I watched the video that came with the kit, and practiced a little on a 'practice skin' and then I was off to work... I must say I was glad that my wife didn't want a Pe'a (a full body tattoo) that is worn by most Samoan Matai's (chiefs), but instead was happy with a couple of small stars (representing her babies) behind her ankles. FFF is no artist, but I must say I did a pretty darn good job! :D

*here is a pix of a Pe'a*


With my wifey's present done I could now concentrate on watching Lil' Tiger at the Dojang. On Tues & Thurs she did great! Not a lot to report on her, she is progressing well for her age, and as soon as she learns to pay attention to the instructors instead of preening in the mirror she will get her BB fo sho! :lol:

Some of the more suprising news this week came from my older DD (dragonkid). The GM has asked that she test this weekend for her next belt (advanced gold). I was a little shocked because the normal time between belts at our dojang is anywhere from 2-6 months... but to be recommended in only 4 wks is unheard of! I questioned the idea and was told; "we test to skill level, not time"...Very proud of DK as tonight she practiced for her 'promotion test' tommorrow by breaking 2 boards with her 'heel kick/ax kick' and she cleaved the boards like a knife through butter! Heck, she is such a natural at this they might as well just give her the BB now LMAO. ;)
Last but not least, you all know my wife loves tatau's right? But her 2nd favorite thing in all the world is Anime and old Chinese Kung Fu movies...it is for that reason, we are looking to add to LT's TKD training by signing her up to do a KungFu/Wushu class on the weekends! Lions and TKD and Wushu?..OH MY!!!..... More to follow.......... :D


You may have seen this weeks video before, but it is still funny, enjoy! :)

"Kung Fu Baby"



Year of the Boar (aka Pig)!

Snort snort, you are a little piggy sometimes but we forgive you of this. You like to be in charge and have things your way, which can be attributes for a great leader. Avoid pushing people around this next week as you will get more done with a little sugar then vinager. Focus on controlling your habits and turn your boundless energy into something useful. Don't bash in anyones head at work next week, as all blood stains do not always come out easily with a little H2O2 :lol:
Your lucky numbers this week are:



We here onMartial Talk and some other sites often ask for the right way of the Han-gul. So I thought I would dive into this for some of you, I use the book called; "A Martial Artist's Guide to Korean Terms, Translation and Han - gul", this has proven to be a very great part of my collection. Here is some background on the book Chapter one will be in two parts.

Korea's King Se-jong and the Developement of Han-gul ( the korean alphabet)

The Korean alphabet used extensively in this book, was invented by King Se-jong, the 4th monarch of the Chosen dynasty (1393 -1910), along with help from seven of his best scholars. This unique phonetic alphabet was invented, not evolved, as are almost all other forms of writing in the world.

The Korean Language, like the Korean culture, is an ancient one. The legend of Dan-Gun describes the birth of Korea, dating back as far as 2333 B.C., and illustrates the age of this culture. The spoken language of Korea, having developed since that time, is understandably complex and unique. Like other ancient cultures, it was many centuries before the Koreans had a written language. Chinese writing systems came to the Korean peninsula near the 4th century B.C., in order to read and write Chinese, an extensive knowledge of many thousands of Chinese characters was required. Because this took significant amount of free time to learn, only the elite Korean aristocracy were educated and literate. King Se-jongriegned from 1418 - 1450 with an emphasis on improving the quality of life for his people. In support of the arts, he funded the Royal Academy named the Jade Hall (chip-hyon-jon) and staffed it with a group of the 20 best scholars in the country. Their sole purpose was to study and invent tools to improve life for the Korean people.
Next week we will continue with the rest of chapter one.

Protecting Females from Sexual Misconduct

For now I would like to bring up another topic that has seemed to come up lately on a lot of chat boards and that is protecting our female athletes from mis-conduct by our Master's, GrandMaster's and coaches for Tae Kwon Do: is the orgs. really doing enought to protect them from harm? Also I am not pointing fingers at any partticular org. out there, but this needs to be said; is the NGB doing enought to make sure background checks are being done on all potential coaches and instructors? I know what some of you are going to say I am bashing the USAT but this is bigger than them this is about the Art and Sport I love to teach on a daily basis, what can we as outsiders look to do about it? Simpley write letters to all orgs demanding that they take proper procedure into effect to help protect all athletes from being a victim of adverse sexual treatment. We do not want the Tae Kwon Do to become the new stepchild to USA swimming and all the stuff they are going though, lets put in place a real task squad to nip this before it gets out of our hands. I believe as one unit looking out for the safety of our athletes is priority one in this era of TKD. Stand up and be a voice for those that cannot, make a stand against these types of action and let all orgs know we will not stand for little or no protection for the athletes whether male or female...

The Master


Hope you enjoyed this weeks banter. ALL of our 64 1/2 staff members enjoy bringing you the number #1 TKD newsletter in the world each week! (except for that new girl in the shredder room, she is a little bit of an "Emo" and won't admit to joy in anything) :lol:

Until next time...
Continue to Fight and Train with Heart & Fire!!!

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