The Difference Between a Martial Artist and a Fighter

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Oh dear lord....

A slightly abbreviated response (for the benefit of those reading):

Geezer; the contradiction is only one because I began martial arts in the early 90s with the advent of those 'turtle' or 'lil'ninja' programs. Did I learn how to throw a front and back punch, and how to do a front kick, and front stance by the time I was 2? Yes. But I would say that I actually began training when I was 4, and in the childrens class for underbelts. I am only trying to be truthful with my own background. I say 20 years because it's true. But I'd say I actually started when I was 4, because that's when it stopped being babysitting, and actual focus on the arts.

You were 4. It was still babysitting. And remained so for a long time. In fact, from all evidence, I don't know if it's stopped being so yet.

I consider myself, and Ill use the word again, a phenomenal martial artist because others who are masters have said this to me. Am I wrong to repeat what others have felt I deserve to be labeled? But prideful? That is something else. One can be honest about one's ability, how one is good, and where one needs work. Most of the people I know, have no idea I practice. It's a topic I really only bring up (martial arts) at the dojo, with training partners, and here. Why? Martial arts is about deception, and a part of that is not to attract overt amounts of attention to oneself.

You are not "phenomenal". Take it from us. You are, in fact, highly sub-standard for someone who has trained since he was 2.

Pride is wearing your art on your sleeve like a badge. I don't feel right calling myself prideful, when being humble is how so many teachers have let me become their student, and honored me in return. Amazing martial artist? Sure, why not. But there are a lot better, and a lot more whom I could learn from. And I am being honest when I say that I am of that calibur of an artist. But I could also grow more.

"Amazing martial artist? Sure, why not" (in describing yourself)... and you don't think you're being prideful? I'd say you're being unjustifiably arrogant, despite all evidence to the contrary.

Cyriacus; Is it not humble that the person who would consider himself good, would create a post on a public sphere exploring how he was bested. Being a phenomenal, a good martial artist is just that. And when someone is one, they know, and should be able to speak freely about it. Nowhere do you see me stating I'm better than anyone else.

No, especially not the way you go about it. As far as not stating anywhere that you're better than anyone? Seriously?

"It is rare for a person to land a strike on me". But you're not stating that you're better than anyone, right? Should we go through the mess of previous threads of yours?

I think many though think that when I mean fighter, I am referring to a martial artist who focuses on the combat side. I'm not; I'm referring to people who neglect almost all aspects of the art, and focus only on fighting.

Honestly, I don't think your construct is placed in reality, mainly as it is contradicted by your own words a number of times.

TonyDismukes; Part of my training took place in my childhood. The meat of it, the actual training began at 10 and has never stopped. I practice 3 times a day for an hour each, on top of a morning and night static stretching. I never stopped training, save once, for a short period of time.[/QUOTE

Practice more. Talk less.

The video being referred to is often used as an example by others to prove a point completely irregardless to why the video was made, and posted. I think I've heard so many criticisms on it some even contradict. I posted that video after one of my first threads where it became common view that I do not use control in contact fighting. The video is proof of how erred that is. It was not to demonstrate awesome ability, or perfect technique, it was only some of the style I employ, and how I do have considerable control.

No, Alex, you came on here asking if you were hitting people too hard, or if you were "just too good" for them, we listened to your story, found holes in it, particularly with your ways of discussing yourself, and that was that. You later posted the video with no reference to the previous conversation, with no mention of any of the reasons you give here, but instead saying that it was an example of you sparring using "mixed martial arts", even though it wasn't MMA, and most of the arts you claim were in there were completely lacking (as in non-existant except for your completely misguided opinion that you were showing "aspects" of them... you weren't), stating that you hoped people could "learn from it". You later tried to bring up the control aspect, and the previous thread, only to have people tell you (quite rightly) that control isn't an issue when there is such a lack of power and delivery is from such a long way away.

Seriously, kid, these threads are all here for us to read, try not to confuse yourself, we can all go back and re-read them...

Perfect technique I suppose is a misnomer, for the definition of perfection in its own right can disavow the possibility of it happening. Good technique is about executing the technique as it is meant to be, correctly, for the sake of the technique itself, and the art. How often have you sparred someone proud of say their roundhouse, so they flit it out, even when out of range? It's about right movement for the sake of harmony. And when you actually have a combat with true rapport between practitioners... there's a lot less violence than there is harmony.

Oh dear lord.... what?

And by phenomenal martial artist I mean this; someone who practices their art with integrity. The kind of person who if they do a repetition of 20 and make 1 mistake, start all over, ad infinitude until they get it right, or can no longer move. Someone who others come to for advice for how they can improve, and in the interaction, both grow. Phenomenal is too small a word to describe what I mean, but we all know those artists who are like this. They practice not to be cool, not to win, but for the sake of the art itself, and the love of it. You can't define someone like that with just one word, and when you try, it merely makes it seem like they're bragging, or others are talking them up.

Then you need to learn what words mean, and use them properly. That's not what "phenomenal" means. Nor is there such a phrase as "ad infinitude", you're mis-using "err" again (above), and many more mistakes besides. If you want to be understood, don't use definitions that don't match understood ones.
Wc_Lun; martial arts is my spirituality, alongside my mahayana beliefs. And they compliment each other well, I might add. I always love that old cliche, but I have a simple response to it; ditch the cup, get a bowl.

Knowledge is truth. Truth doesn't conflict with other truth. Likewise, I've noticed that the different styles I can utilize tend not to conflict unless I'm forcing them too.

And this shows a complete lack of understanding of the buddhist teaching (of the empty and full cup), martial principles, and, well, pretty much everything else.

But experienced... I'll buy that I could use more. But then again I've been mugged twice, stopped two assaults, a convenience store robbery, and just recently someone trying to attack me drunkenly. You tell me how much more experience I need for me to know if my art works or not. I seem to be perfectly fine ;).

Considering the stories you gave about those situations, I'd suggest some real experience. You know, genuine ones that aren't the product of an overactive teenagers imagination. Or do we need to revisit those claims again as well?

Dirty-dog; As I said before, you focus on the past. The knife demonstration was when I was in high school, and look closely- those are steak knives. Not combat. Not competition, kitchen cutlery. That entire form was made up, and done to demonstrate a point- that, that particular tournament had a serious problem judging fairly. The fact you actually look at that video and consider it an exhibition of who I am as an artist... why would I keep bantering with you when you can't even glean the actual message behind the video.

Please... "I was garbage on purpose to show them a lesson"? Seriously? The why are you so bad in the sparring clip? Is that to show us that we can be fooled by a genuine martial savant?

It seems the greatest point of contention in this post is my use of that word 'phenomenal'. I have no problem saying I'm not then, if it will appease the masses on this board. But when ability is something subjective, especially in this art, than no one can apply that title to themself. And that's wrong. A martial artist should have integrity, and that includes honesty. And if they are good at what they do, it would be wrong to say otherwise. No one on this board has met me, let alone taken the time to actually practice either with, or against me in a match. It's like blowing hot air until you do, especially when you point to examples of me from 6 years ago, when I'm 22 now. Granted not a long time to pass, but it offers an infinite amount of time to improve with dedication.

Garbage. We've seen you in action, we've read your posts, and you are severely lacking in all regards. So yes, we can discuss your ability... you have very little. And, out of interest, how long ago was the sparring clip done? Six years ago as well?

I don't walk around calling myself the best artist alive. I am content in just being a martial artist. And that's the thing K-man; for someone who touts experience as the pre-requisite for you to respect them, you are being terribly hypocritical by not in turn giving me that respect in turn. Because this is martial arts, and you know what, my experience in the arts has probably been much longer, and even if much shorter, is just as valuable as the time you've spent.

Son, you're decades behind K-Man, so you know... mind you, you've been told that before as well....

Chris Parker; One of my other hobbies is writing. The non-bolded is just background for anyone who may want to read it. I enjoy reading as much as possible, so if I were say reading my post, I'd read the unbolded too, just so I can get more background info. It may not be necessary, but it could help clarify, which we all well know is a difficulty with me.

If writing is a hobby of yours, learn to write. You constantly mis-use words, use atrocious grammar, employ convoluted and confusing sentences and arguments, are unable to maintain a single train of thought for more than a few words, and more. Then again, I thought your excuse for the incessant issues with your writing was that you were at university, and it was for academic reasons? Hmm...

I mean, here's another example... in this answer, you've said who you're addressing the responses to, but you're changing exactly what you're answering without any reference to the new subject matter, here you start saying "I wish I could edit that"... uh, edit what? Dude, learn to write.

I wish I could edit that actually; I meant the shodan in Kendo to be applicable toward my background, not his. Such is typing when tired. You, and others make an absolutely valid point that depending on the context of match, how strikes land matter in sport/arts like Kendo. In boxing, the constant improvement of technique is what enables growth. And there is a philosophical side to it- does one focus on sparring, or working with the teacher in private to perfect that technique. I'm of the mind if you perfect the technique, with time and practicing it pragmatically with another one becomes a better fighter.

How on earth is his shodan in Kendo relevant to your background? You weren't sparring with weaponry, so what does it have anything to do with? And that is nothing to do with the "philosophical side" of things like Kendo, nor indeed boxing. Again, seriously, what?

I would say Chris, on a board like this, where I do not compete I have no place to say whether I'm a good, or a bad fighter. And besides the point, the effectiveness of our fighting is circumstantial at all times, even when the odds are all in our favor. It just seemed prudent that if I'm trying to make a contrast between the arts, and fighting, than if I'm going to put myself in the white as a good martial artist it seems fair that I also admit that I feel I could be a better fighter. I don't compete any longer either.

I have no idea what on earth you're talking about here.

I noticed my typo as well Chris, but too late for me to edit it. What I mean is; penetrating, transference, pushing types of strikes. My b on the typo.

Huh? Pushing isn't striking... so how is it different types of striking?

I'll end my reply on this; I consider myself a well read, and educated individual. But I could always learn more. It's the same thing for martial arts, and I well understand that I have decades to continue. If me considering myself an above average offends, that really isn't on me. But since the last person who told me that is a 5th dan of over 50 years, I don't mind repeating it. But it takes others of equal pride to take offense at someone they think is pride. I am prideful; of the arts, and that I've been allowed to take part in them. But going around thinking I'm better than everyone else? Which seems to be the kind of pride incensing people here...

You may consider yourself educated and well read, but trust me, you really don't come across that way... especially when almost everything you put down is wrong, lacking, misinterpreted, misunderstanding, or just uninformed. And considering some of the associations you've had, I hardly think that hat you're getting are ringing endorsements, especially in the way you seem to think they are.

This whole thread gave me a good laugh- thank you guys for your responses, I actually got some awesome answers for once. It is true, there are multiple paths to martial arts, and it means something to each of us, in our own way. That's not something which is always easy to remember, but I thank you all for the reminder.

Dirty-dog; As I said before, you focus on the past.

I don't have a crystal ball, nor did I attend Hogwarts, so I lack the ability to focus on what nonsense you will post next week. So I focus on your past and current nonsense. Especially the impossible claims you make.

The knife demonstration was when I was in high school, and look closely- those are steak knives. Not combat. Not competition, kitchen cutlery. That entire form was made up, and done to demonstrate a point- that, that particular tournament had a serious problem judging fairly. The fact you actually look at that video and consider it an exhibition of who I am as an artist... why would I keep bantering with you when you can't even glean the actual message behind the video.

I've seen more people killed with kitchen cutlery than "combat" knives. And the only thing one can glean from that video (or the one I linked) is that you really are NOT a "phenomenal martial artist".

It seems the greatest point of contention in this post is my use of that word 'phenomenal'.

Well, no, it's with your habit of posting impossible claims and other nonsense.

A martial artist should have integrity, and that includes honesty.

OK, then have the integrity to answer direct questions, instead of dodging them.

[Remainder of self-agrandizement deleted]
Getting into the spiritual side and/or philosophy side
Is fine but do not neglect you are learning a MARTIAL ART
Were at times in history people depended on said
Art with their lives. So train with the intent that your martial
Art training is there to protect your life.

Multiple Dan grades don't mean anything
but the paper its printed on. What matters
Is can you successfully defend yourself.

You may want to evaluate yourself and examine
Your weakness and ask the boxer for assistance.
I'm not included in this list, but I'll comment on a few things:

Hoo boy, lot to reply to. I'll do it in order, and make it as succinct as possible.

Kempodisciple; I do not think the world is out to get me. But when the first reply is what it was, that's just insulting.

Probably because the past brings back bad memories of past threads.

Richparsons; the exchange I had brought to mind that while I've met many good fighters in the martial arts, I actually haven't met as many as I thought I had. It raised this question to me; is it better to be a better fighter, or a better martial artist? To me its the latter. My hopes with this post is that martial artists all would prefer to be better at that than being a thug who can throw a punch, so to speak. The post, at least I had hoped, left one or two readers asking themself the question of which theyd rather be. Is that not worth bringing up as a topic?

I'm wondering...what is your version of good? IIRC, in past threads, I've told you that you shouldn't base things just off of what you've seen, due to the fact that there're tons of very experienced people out there.

I consider myself, and Ill use the word again, a phenomenal martial artist because others who are masters have said this to me. Am I wrong to repeat what others have felt I deserve to be labeled? But prideful? That is something else. One can be honest about one's ability, how one is good, and where one needs work. Most of the people I know, have no idea I practice. It's a topic I really only bring up (martial arts) at the dojo, with training partners, and here. Why? Martial arts is about deception, and a part of that is not to attract overt amounts of attention to oneself.

IIRC, I belive that I said that there're people out there that'll tell you long as they're getting paid! In your honest opinion, do YOU feel that you meet the definition of phenomenal?

Pride is wearing your art on your sleeve like a badge. I don't feel right calling myself prideful, when being humble is how so many teachers have let me become their student, and honored me in return. Amazing martial artist? Sure, why not. But there are a lot better, and a lot more whom I could learn from. And I am being honest when I say that I am of that calibur of an artist. But I could also grow more.

But better? Than who? The only person I'm competing against is myself, and I'm both the winner and loser in that race.

Oddly enough, you don't seem to take the advice that you've been given though. Look at it this way...if you always train with people who suck or are at a lower level, then IMO, you're not going to progress much. Of course you'd appear to be better, and why not, if the other person sucks. Yet when you're training with someone of a higher quality, well, thats where the true colors come out.

TonyDismukes; Part of my training took place in my childhood. The meat of it, the actual training began at 10 and has never stopped. I practice 3 times a day for an hour each, on top of a morning and night static stretching. I never stopped training, save once, for a short period of time.

The video being referred to is often used as an example by others to prove a point completely irregardless to why the video was made, and posted. I think I've heard so many criticisms on it some even contradict. I posted that video after one of my first threads where it became common view that I do not use control in contact fighting. The video is proof of how erred that is. It was not to demonstrate awesome ability, or perfect technique, it was only some of the style I employ, and how I do have considerable control.

Umm...that video was not contact fighting by any means.

As for people not knowing the name of their own style, it's much more important in the Japanese arts to fully appreciate the technique, art, and founders. I recently visited a school where a martial artist employing the Jhoon Rhee system of forms claimed he was a Moo Duk Kwan practitioner. It's a problem, perhaps it's one mainly with TKD.

IMO, its pretty damn sad if someone is training and they dont know what the hell they're training in!

Perfect technique I suppose is a misnomer, for the definition of perfection in its own right can disavow the possibility of it happening. Good technique is about executing the technique as it is meant to be, correctly, for the sake of the technique itself, and the art. How often have you sparred someone proud of say their roundhouse, so they flit it out, even when out of range? It's about right movement for the sake of harmony. And when you actually have a combat with true rapport between practitioners... there's a lot less violence than there is harmony.

IMO, tossing something out for the sake of tossing it, is dumb. Its wasted movement.

And by phenomenal martial artist I mean this; someone who practices their art with integrity. The kind of person who if they do a repetition of 20 and make 1 mistake, start all over, ad infinitude until they get it right, or can no longer move. Someone who others come to for advice for how they can improve, and in the interaction, both grow. Phenomenal is too small a word to describe what I mean, but we all know those artists who are like this. They practice not to be cool, not to win, but for the sake of the art itself, and the love of it. You can't define someone like that with just one word, and when you try, it merely makes it seem like they're bragging, or others are talking them up.

The person I respect as a martial artist is he who recognizes it as the art of harmony between body and else, and we learn this in the martial arts more than just by punching and blocking.

But... I also tie my spirituality in Buddhism closely to my martial arts, so I understand my definition is rather unorthodox, or could be considered so.

Do you do this?

Dirty-dog; As I said before, you focus on the past. The knife demonstration was when I was in high school, and look closely- those are steak knives. Not combat. Not competition, kitchen cutlery. That entire form was made up, and done to demonstrate a point- that, that particular tournament had a serious problem judging fairly. The fact you actually look at that video and consider it an exhibition of who I am as an artist... why would I keep bantering with you when you can't even glean the actual message behind the video.

It seems the greatest point of contention in this post is my use of that word 'phenomenal'. I have no problem saying I'm not then, if it will appease the masses on this board. But when ability is something subjective, especially in this art, than no one can apply that title to themself. And that's wrong. A martial artist should have integrity, and that includes honesty. And if they are good at what they do, it would be wrong to say otherwise. No one on this board has met me, let alone taken the time to actually practice either with, or against me in a match. It's like blowing hot air until you do, especially when you point to examples of me from 6 years ago, when I'm 22 now. Granted not a long time to pass, but it offers an infinite amount of time to improve with dedication.

I don't walk around calling myself the best artist alive. I am content in just being a martial artist. And that's the thing K-man; for someone who touts experience as the pre-requisite for you to respect them, you are being terribly hypocritical by not in turn giving me that respect in turn. Because this is martial arts, and you know what, my experience in the arts has probably been much longer, and even if much shorter, is just as valuable as the time you've spent.

I've had plenty of injuries I've fought through- it's called perseverance, a trait all true martial artists should have, I think.

Sorry, but when someone makes a statement, be prepared to answer. Which of course you've failed to do. As for the bold/underlined, you dont call yourself the best MAist alive...just a phenomenal one.:rolleyes: Likewise, I've injured myself, and have still continued to fight, however, I'm doubting, seriously doubting, that you've fought thru the injury that DD is talking about.

I'll end my reply on this; I consider myself a well read, and educated individual. But I could always learn more. It's the same thing for martial arts, and I well understand that I have decades to continue. If me considering myself an above average offends, that really isn't on me. But since the last person who told me that is a 5th dan of over 50 years, I don't mind repeating it. But it takes others of equal pride to take offense at someone they think is pride. I am prideful; of the arts, and that I've been allowed to take part in them. But going around thinking I'm better than everyone else? Which seems to be the kind of pride incensing people here...

This whole thread gave me a good laugh- thank you guys for your responses, I actually got some awesome answers for once. It is true, there are multiple paths to martial arts, and it means something to each of us, in our own way. That's not something which is always easy to remember, but I thank you all for the reminder.
The thread gave you a good laugh? What does that mean? That you posted for the sake of trolling? That you realized how crazy the vast majority of your posts are, and finally snapped back to reality from fantasy land, and saw how crazy you were, so now you're laughing, because you finally realized that you've been getting good advice from people much more experienced than you?
Part of my training took place in my childhood. The meat of it, the actual training began at 10 and has never stopped.

I wasn't sure I wanted to join in the dogpile at this point, but since no one else has bothered to mention it yet ...
At 10 years old - you were still a child and would be for a number of years after that. You've just confirmed what I said in my initial post - most of your years of training were in your childhood.

One of my other hobbies is writing.

I'm not as persnickety as Chris when it comes to complaining about poor writing in forum posts. It's a martial arts forum. Not everybody knows how to write well. If you do your best to communicate your point, I'll do my best to understand what you're trying to say.

That said, if writing really is a hobby of yours, you may want to devote some time to refining your basics. As others have noted, you have a strong tendency to misuse words, misuse grammar, and ramble through your paragraphs in a way which obscures rather than clarifies your point. I'm not judging you on that. Lots of people that I really respect don't know how to write well. However, if writing coherently is important to you, you may want to pay attention to some of the feedback you're getting.
Hey Tony,

To be fair, I did point out that, as Alex stated that he learnt to throw "front and back punches, front kicks, stand in a front stance" at the age of two, he didn't start in a school until he was 4... and that that was when it stopped being "babysitting". My comment was that that was still babysitting, and would be for quite a while after that.

With the writing, I'm not so much frustrated with the mistakes, it's the constant mistakes despite constant correction and pointing out of said errors (not, as Alex would say, said errs), and his frankly flaky excuses that his use of words he doesn't know the meaning or correct usage of is due to his using them "academically", or, as above, because "writing is a hobby" of his... if either of those were the real case, then we wouldn't have such prevalence of problems. At least, that's my opine (ha!)....
With the writing, I'm not so much frustrated with the mistakes, it's the constant mistakes despite constant correction and pointing out of said errors (not, as Alex would say, said errs), and his frankly flaky excuses that his use of words he doesn't know the meaning or correct usage of is due to his using them "academically", or, as above, because "writing is a hobby" of his... if either of those were the real case, then we wouldn't have such prevalence of problems. At least, that's my opine (ha!)....
One of the problems with Writing (capital W) is that there are so many distinct and specific styles. Academic writing, papers, themes, dissertations, etc. are different stylistically from user manuals, instructional manuals, handbooks, etc., which are different stylistically from "informational" writing such as news stories, magazine stories, etc., which is different from "conversational" writing, to say nothing of "Fiction."

Of course, none of this young man's writing would qualify for any of these discernible styles of writing and none of it is even close to anything remotely acceptable as "Academic." It's all crap and trying to write in this style for a collegiate level class would quickly result in failures.

Peace favor your sword,
Alex, I am Buhdhist. How you describe yourself and what you are doing does not show an understanding of the trifold path, as I know it. You act like you know so much, but are easily seen through by people who have already been there. There is something to be said about truthfullness as well. Some of your posts are easily dismissed and seen through as fantasy. You come to a board full of beginning martial artist, intermediate martial artist, and martial artist who have been training longer than you have been drawing air into you lungs and want to lecture us all on how great you are and what a phenomenal martial artist you are. No son, you aren't. Giving you the benefit of the doubt, your belief might not be your fault. If you have someone telling you that you are great all the time to build up your self confidence, it has worked well. However, they are decieving you and you are decieving yourself. I've only ever said this to a few martial students in quite a many years. Shut up, open your ears, and just train. Stop trying to be something you aren't and let your hard work put you where you want to be. Right now, cup or bowl all you are doing is spilling tea.
One of the problems with Writing (capital W) is that there are so many distinct and specific styles...

Of course, none of this young man's writing would qualify for any of these discernible styles of writing.

No, his writing is not exemplary of any of the styles you mentioned, but it is pretty typical juvenile internet patter. I have no problem with Alex's casual and imperfect style of writing. There's plenty worse to be found. Like Chris, my problem is entirely with what he has to say rather than how he says it. It is kind of funny though, how he apparently sees himself as a phenomenal writer as well as martial artist. I suspect he is very young, perhaps younger than he admits, and to be generous, perhaps it's simply his youth and inexperience that lead him to blur reality and fantasy.

Or on the other hand Dirty Dog may have had the correct diagnosis!
No, his writing is not exemplary of any of the styles you mentioned, but it is pretty typical juvenile internet patter. I have no problem with Alex's casual and imperfect style of writing. There's plenty worse to be found. Like Chris, my problem is entirely with what he has to say rather than how he says it. It is kind of funny though, how he apparently sees himself as a phenomenal writer as well as martial artist. I suspect he is very young, perhaps younger than he admits, and to be generous, perhaps it's simply his youth and inexperience that lead him to blur reality and fantasy.
I agree that he certainly sounds 14 or 15.

Or on the other hand Dirty Dog may have had the correct diagnosis!
I've actually noticed this a lot in the last 20 years or so. I think it has to do with the emphasis in modern society with building up self esteem by constant, and often unmerited, praise. Makes 'em think they're way better than they are. I think Cracked did an article with that as an element. Gimme a tic to try to dig it up.


Peace favor your sword,

Peace favor your sword,


Zenjael, at what age did you start training seriously in martial arts? I too started as a child, but didn't take it seriously until I was 14. So instead of saying I have been training since age 6, I say I've been training since 14. So for you, at what age did you realize that martial arts are not really what they are presented to be to children?
Cyriacus; Is it not humble that the person who would consider himself good, would create a post on a public sphere exploring how he was bested. Being a phenomenal, a good martial artist is just that. And when someone is one, they know, and should be able to speak freely about it. Nowhere do you see me stating I'm better than anyone else.

The only way to grow as a 'fighter' is by doing as you said.

I think many though think that when I mean fighter, I am referring to a martial artist who focuses on the combat side. I'm not; I'm referring to people who neglect almost all aspects of the art, and focus only on fighting.

And by outfought, what does that mean to you? That he pummeled me into the ground? That isn't what I meant.

I know what You meant. You got knocked in the head more than Youd like by someone whos spent many years practising the sweet science of "Punch His Head Off" (For others reading, pinch of salt. Especially You Mister Lawson :) ).
Like I say though - If You wish to focus on Techniques and Forms, I wish You good luck! But as has been mentioned, Boxing doesnt have Forms, and Kendo has one that many never actually learn.
Now, to the bold:
Fighting and Combat are a bit different, but Im not too picky, I know what You mean. There are many elements to focus on in Martial Arts, from Fighting to Exercise to Philosophy and so forth. What You focus on is up to You, and being branded as someone whos 'neglecting' everything else in the Art is a falsehood. Youve chosen what You want to focus on, others have chosen differently. I could say that Youre neglecting the fighting side of Martial Arts, by not focusing on it. Much like how Youre saying that Theyre neglecting the Technical Spiritual side of Martial Arts by not focusing on it.
Tames, speaking as a fellow Mentor with Dirty Dog, yeah, there might be one or two things that we know that others don't, but that's actually not the relevant bit here. To understand why Alex receives the posts, it's probably a good idea to look to his background on this site... most specifically the number of his threads that have ended up being moved to The Great Debate area.

Here's some reading material:
(One of the ones moved to the Great Debate)
(Another moved to the Great Debate)
(Another TGD thread)
(And one more TGD thread).

As you can see, questioning Alex and what he puts forth as "reality" is really an approach that has a lot of merit. Especially for anyone who hasn't encountered him before, and might take what he's saying as accurate. Speaking of which, I might take a look through that OP we have here, and see what I can find there... hmm....

Chris Chris Chris... I love you dude but why do you get caught up in all this BS with trolls. Let it go. You're Mentor. You're supposed to be above this. Like Dirty Dog, you are being sucked in to the troll world by this guy. You guys are doing exactly what he wants. And you have a problem with me? C'mon man, rise above this ****. I think you can do better. Remember... you're a Mentor, your job is to encourage people. You don't have to prove a point with low life nobodies.
I'm an ER/Flight nurse in Colorado.

And this qualifies you to offer a diagnosis without examining the patient? Does your position allow you to legally offer a diagnoses at all? Not trying to be a problem, just would like to know what your qualifications are to be doing this over the internet.
And this qualifies you to offer a diagnosis without examining the patient? Does your position allow you to legally offer a diagnoses at all? Not tying to be a problem, just would like to know what your qualifications are to be doing this over the internet.

For the diagnosis of craniorectal impaction, it ain't difficult.

I've examined his tests (his posts) and the diagnosis is clear.
For the diagnosis of craniorectal impaction, it ain't difficult.

I've examined his tests (his posts) and the diagnosis is clear.

Now you're doing what you complain about Alex doing. Answser my question. What are your qualifications to diagnose a patient without examining him/her? Are you a doctor? Does a nurse practitioner have the legal right to do this?
Now you're doing what you complain about Alex doing. Answser my question. What are your qualifications to diagnose a patient without examining him/her? Are you a doctor? Does a nurse practitioner have the legal right to do this?

Craniorectal impation isn't a medical diagnosis. I'm pretty sure you know that already.
Anybody can legally diagnosis it.
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