How much involvement did Kim Moo Hong have in hapkido kicking development? I had heard (don't ask me where) that he and GM Ji developed the kicks together and that Kim Moo Hong was instrumental in their development and was apparently a more proficient kicker. Is that correct or is that off base?
I guess it depends on your perspective and who you ask. But to me, GM Ji was the one to develop his own style of kicking, which he is very proud of, and for which he has every reason to be proud. GM Ji had a kicking teacher, Lee Do Sa, along with other inspirations, and according to GM YOO Yong Woo (GM Ji's first black belt and most senior student) the hapkido kicks were developed and finalized in Andong, at GM Ji's first dojang. GM Kim also had a great love of kicking, and he came to Seoul and GM Ji's dojang to further refine his kicks, not the other way around. Did they work together during this time? Sure? Was there at least some exchange of information? I am sure there was.