The Criminal Truth

Big Don

Sr. Grandmaster
The Criminal Truth

Europe News DK EXCERPT:28 January 2011
By Pat Condell
If you criticize the Religion of Peace, your are likely to be accused of 'hate speech' by people who go on to accuse and to threaten you as graphicly and disgustingly as their feeble imaginations will allow, yet you'll be the one guilty of hate speech. And if you're unlucky enough to live in certain parts of Europe, you'll also be persecuted as a criminal.
Anyone who thought that Denmarks' experience with the cartoons would encourage that country to grow a backbone would be dismayed to hear that Denmark is the latest European country to persecute its own citizens for telling the truth about the Religion of Permanent Offence.
This week Lars Hedegaard, President of the Free Press Society, is on trial in Denmark, for accurately referring to the comparatively high number of family rapes in Islamic culture. As most people know, violence against women and girls is one of the things that makes Islamic culture distinctly inferior to Western culture. Not 'different', but significantly less civilized.
However, the Danish authorities would like people to pretend that Islamic violence against women and girls doesn't exist, because otherwise they might have to do something about it. And that's the last thing they want, because that would mean riots in the streets and barricades and burning cars and all the rest of it, and Danish people travelling in Muslim countries might also be attacked and killed.
So they'd rather pretend it isn't happening, and criminalize anyone who says it is. It's much safer for them to victimize their own people, because they know there won't be any rioting and nobody will be murdered.
In this trial, as with the other two show trials currently under way in the Netherlands and in Austria, the truth is no defence. Because this is not about establishing the truth or upholding the truth, which is what justice is supposed to do, it's about suppressing the truth and appease the threat of Muslim violence, which makes it an act of cultural terrorism.
And it's compounded by the fact that we haven't heard a word about any of this from the Western media, the so-called 'Free press', who seem to want to keep it as their little secret. If not for the Internet, nobody would even know this trial was happening, or the one in Austria, for that matter.
Causing offence is now crime in several European countries.

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