The Crime wave Epidemic noone is talking about??

Thread locked pending staff review.

Super Moderator

Ladies & Gentlemen -- I'm involved, so I'm not taking any further action. This thread is locked for personal attacks until uninvolved staff has a chance to review it.
Admin Note:


A number of posts in this thread have been brought to the attention of the forum mods. Everyone posting here knows the drill, so I'm not going to waste time repeating all should know how we run things here.

That said, if you can't act like adults instead of kids, you'll soon find theads being locked and not reopened, as well as running the risk of acct. suspension and/or removal of your access to The Study.

This thread is being reopened at this time, but is being watched. Any other disruption/violation of the rules, will result in an IC and the thread locked without any other notice.

MT Asst. Admin