The Black Uniform

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Originally posted by John Bishop
I would also like to see the article. The kenpo tradition was for instructors to wear black gi's and students to wear white gi's. Kajukenbo was the first system to start wearing black gi's for all students in the 50s. The fighters clad in black in the 50-60s would have been Kajukenbo fighters like Carlos Bunda, who won the first 2 IKC's in the lightweight division, and Al Dacascos who still has the record for most 1st places in one IKC competition.
Or Phil Cornan who beat both Chuck Norris, and Joe Lewis.
Most if not all of Mr. Parker's fighters in the 50-60s wore white.
Carlos Bunda. Now that's a name I haven't heard in a while. Made the cover of "Action Karate Magazine" blocking one of Steve Sanders kicks. For the Steve Sanders-Muhammad black gi reference. Steve wore white exclusively like most Parker Kenpo people for years. When Parker "borrowed" the black uniform from Kajukenbo Steve for the most part chose to wear a white top and black bottoms ultimately tucking the top in ala hakama style.
in our school, we wear white gi even though we are blackbelt.

not sure why we do that but i will find out so that i can still wear white gi

i have black and white gi....i wear white all the time. It is not because i don't like black gi. ( i bought black gi for 100 bucks and hate to waste )
Take a look to the left side of your screen. That's me, a CHKD stylist, in a black gi. And DAM do I look good. :) I could start a war of words about the kenpo/mpo/kajukenbo owning the black gi but I've decided against it. I would say it's personal choice as to what color you where. I'm also to wear blue and white. Blue is one of the colors that the Judo comunity uses in tournements, at some you MUST have a blue gi. I've never heard a judoka claiming the color.
But if you must know, here is why I wear one. We have an Aikido Shodan who trains with us, and he wears a black uniform. He requested and was granted permisison to wear a black gi while working out with us. My instructor saw it and said "That looks good. I'd like you all to get one for seminars and special events." That's not a requirement but he's right, it does look good. Some of us have them, some of us not. (Most nights it's a great combo of black, blue, and white). I gues it comes down the fact we really don't care. And we don't. But yeah, I will admit, when I see a black gi comming at me, I know what's up. And THAT I will not deny is from knowing kenpoists and Kajukenboists in my time. You guys have built a good rep up with wearing them and no matter what, that is the fact behind anything IMO.
Just my 0.02
P.S. Just a note: I said black, not grey. Our uniforms arn't allowed to reach that awesome grey color, which is one thing you all wear well. Please continue to do so!
Originally posted by Hollywood1340
Blue is one of the colors that the Judo comunity uses in tournements, at some you MUST have a blue gi.:soapbox:

blue gi? i haven't seen people wear this lately. BJJ's people wears blue gi as well?
Yes. BJJ people mostly wear white gi's, but blue gi's are also standard issue. This is part of BJJ's legacy from Judo. Some BJJ people also wear Black. Only white and blue are allowed in competition.
in the shaolin kempo system i study you are allowed to wear a black gi after you achieve your purple belt.
It must have come from kaji because I started training with Mr. Bob White in the late 80s and they I mean evreyone including Mr. White wore white. I recently came back back about a year ago and notices the B/Bs wearing back gi and combos.
FWIW I was orginally in a Japanese system which allowed the B/Bs to wear black also. The American kempo school I trained at which was orginally Tracys work red pants and black tops...
Thanks to Mr. Bishop for the history lession. I grew up in EPAK on the east coast (IKKA and a few since), but it seemed an unwitten rule that Black Gi's were reserved for advanced students (brown belts and higher). When I went to tourny's and seminars, those how wore black gi's were expected to be really good. Kind of like carrying a 1 iron. - Regards - Glenn.
The Men in Black,Iam also a Kajukembo practitioner and feel priviliaged to wear my black gi not only because I look so good in it,but because it is the Kajukembo way.It really bothers me to see some of the schools in my area starting to wear them,but what can you do? I feel you should follow the tradition of your art,and dont try to be something your not or never will be.
Up to green belt.. they are the 'Good Humor' students.. from green on.. Black Gi's. Though listening to the underbelts gripe about mud and grass stains is getting tiresome~!! *rolls eyes*

At my first kenpo school (taught at a college), the uniform is a black gi. I competed in a few tournaments wearing that gi. After I left college, my second and third kenpo schools allowed me to wear it. (They were "start up" schools, so didn't have any official uniforms yet and were trying to establish their student base.)

The fourth and fifth kenpo schools required a white gi with the school logo. At my current school, getting to blue belt allowed a blue gi. By brown belt, a black gi could be worn. By black belt, uniforms can be any color, mixed or matched.

I find it ironic that my oldest son, who reached jr brown, now wears my original black gi from my first school.

- Ceicei
It's interesting to take a walk down memory lane. In the old days (for me that was about 1971) When Kenpo fighters would come into a tournament dressed in the black gii. It was like the bad guy walking into the saloon in an old B grade western. It simply set us apart. Props to the KaJuKenBo guys like Mr. Bishop and all his predecessors for making it cool to be in black. :-partyon:

Actually, most schools in America don't have a standard, even among system schools, like EPAK, Tracy, what have you. The variations on a theme are pretty much endemic to the schools. There are some traditions (yes, traditions) that are school specific, like the junior students wearing their belts knotted to one side or the other in EPAK schools. Most other system schools have everyone simply tie their belts in front. Some schools require a certain color gi up to a certain belt level, and then switch it out. It's is, in the end, simply a matter of "uniformity" in the school.

In my school, I teach many students who can not afford lessons, much less uniforms. So, often, my classes are a mix and match of what folks either can afford, or have had handed down to them. And often enough, some students are in street clothes until a hand me down, or a little extra cash, comes their way.

In the end, it doesn't make anyone less of a martial artists, simply an "unencumbered" martial artist. The uniforms we wear today, regardless of color or tuckage, or position of the belt are simply throw backs, and homage to the old days. And we havent' really come up with anything better, if you don't count those really cool JKD workout togs that were black with gold piping, back in the 70s. :supcool: :rofl: :rofl:
I was always interested in this whole concept too. At my school, my instructor and all black belts wear a black gi. Also, first degree brown belts who are in training for black belts (meaning they have no more new techniques left and are teaching weekly) get to wear a black gi. Usually, though, they only wear the gi when they teach.

Any other adult is allowed to wear black pants if they make the committment to going to black belt. It's not a pledge but we usually join the black belt club and commit ourselves to the school and training more often than we had been. Most people do this at blue fact, I think I should be getting my own set of black pants anytime soon now....

I also should say that these are not rules by any way shape or form at our school. I have seen black belts wearing all white gis at classes, so I guess our instructor tells higher ranked students they CAN wear a black gi when they want... everyone else including teens and the little guys wear all white. Some of my fellow friends who study with me and post here could probably ellaborate on this, since they wear the black gis anyhow!

We wear Black Pants and White top right until we get Black Belt - once we receive our BB we then go into a full Black Gi. I know in the UK they change to a Black uniform from green up.

I like the idea of having to wait until you get your BB before you can wear that uniform but it does feel rather daunting when you get to wear the same uniform as your Instructors. :lookie:
In the mid 70's white gi's were worn with the belt knot to the side until black belt. The only exception {in the studio} was if the person had taken an "Instructors course." They were allowed to wear a black gi with the knot in the middle while teaching, and an instructors patch. I remember when the black gi was both feared and respected.

Big Pat
In our dojo you wear a white gi up until you earn your purple belt then you can were a black gi. Once you reach 4th degree black you can were a red gi. Instructors can mix white and black tops and pants but students can only wear solid colors.
All tempa-Cheer and Bluette, works every time!!

Ohhh yeah...To add to Johns post, the darker colored keikogi are probably an older "original uniform" for Okinawa MA's. It seems the white thing was started at the turn of the century. At least that is what I have been led to understand.

KenpoTess said:
Up to green belt.. they are the 'Good Humor' students.. from green on.. Black Gi's. Though listening to the underbelts gripe about mud and grass stains is getting tiresome~!! *rolls eyes*

webpage20022003 said:
blue gi? i haven't seen people wear this lately. BJJ's people wears blue gi as well?

My Sifu has a Blue Gi that he wears every so often. He has a BJJ background. Looks sharper then the red one he wears sometimes.
The Black Gi is part of our Kenpo/Kempo/Kajukenbo heritage and distinguishes us from all other Martial Arts. It states to the entire world: "We are a fighting art"!

Not the only MA. We in Bujinkan Budo Taijutsu wear Black. or white. or just a Tee.

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