crosstraining,,or crossdressing???

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relating to the belts with different colors...we do this for the kids right now at our school. the children have a different cirriculum than the adults...i don't neccessarily agree with that but that's the way it is. it's very watered down, so by the time they would have the children's black requirements they are about at blue belt in the adult requirement.

and before anyone goes off about giving kids black belts...they have to be teenagers, and they are NOT official black belts...:D

they're teen black belts as we tend to call them. and they get a blue stripe instead of a red stripe like the adults. the next test they take would be for the green belt the blue stripe becomes a green one. then a brown stripe...and so on.

i think it's a fair idea, this way the kids to not feel discouraged about having the black belt taken away, but at the same time they do not feel intimidated about being in a class full of adults and thinking that they have to back up the belt that they are wearing. and i'll also say that it's not easy for the kids to get a teen black belt...there are only a few of them. it takes them probably longer to get that teen black belt than it does for an adult to get one, especially if they start very say the age of 4. they'll have to wait at least until they are 13 to get the belt. and age is not a given for a promotion of course.

as for new adult students that were black belts...we don't give them special belts. just a nice clean white one...unless they have one already that they want to wear. i suppose i don't mind the idea of the white with a stripe through it, but i must say i'd prefer it if they stayed with the traditional grading system out of respect for the art. and we don't just throw black belts into the class without giving the other students prior knowledge. we always make it know that they have prior experience and they should not be taken lightly....even though sometimes they should :D
Originally posted by Rich Parsons

One of them tried to choke me out. I said he was not choking me but, separating my skull from my spine. I may pass out right before you brake my neck. Please stop. (* Tap Tap *)

that's a low-down thing to do to someone, but you handled it well i think.
Originally posted by Rich Parsons
I never went back and I do not talk to the co-worker anymore.


I understand never going back BUT am still not sure what the co-worker did wrong :confused:

Originally posted by Rich Parsons

We have and have had students of Balck Belt rank come to our club to learn. They wear the uniform of our club and start with a white belt. They go through the curriculum just like everyone else. No granted they might be on the shorted side of the time required to learn a technique, and then again they might be on the longer side also. Trying to overcome previous training.


Man has a point! Very true Rich. Some arts have radically different approaches. Some may have a hard time because of arrogance and thinking they are the $h!t. OR they learned bad habits that their former instructor did not address for whatever reason.
Originally posted by Master of Blades
I understand never going back BUT am still not sure what the co-worker did wrong :confused:


The Co-worker denied inviting me to the club and to me in front of others. I cannot associate with people like this.

If he woudl have said Yes I invited him, but i did not know ...
then I would have been fine.
Originally posted by Jill666
Man has a point! Very true Rich. Some arts have radically different approaches. Some may have a hard time because of arrogance and thinking they are the $h!t. OR they learned bad habits that their former instructor did not address for whatever reason.

And the Yili Guys will cringe on this one:

They might be going from a soft to a hard style or vice versa. THe hard to soft is real hard for many people to get used too. They cannot relax. :D
Originally posted by Rich Parsons
The Co-worker denied inviting me to the club and to me in front of others. I cannot associate with people like this.

If he woudl have said Yes I invited him, but i did not know ...
then I would have been fine.

Good choice :asian:

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