Master Black Belt>1=28101
Anyone else thinking the reason the movie flopped had more to do with the idea being completely ridiculous and not so much because it is Mel Gibson.
I bet if he comes up with a good story for a new Mad Max sequel, and puts together a good budget for a movie that it will make a buttload of money and get him back in the general publics good graces.
I dont get why these actors change gears on their movie types and expect a good reaction... Mels an action guy, a high paced, slightly crazy, kick *** and get his *** kicked type of star.. thats what peopel want to see him do... I dont think anyone wants to see Mel talking to a tore up beaver puppet for an hour and a half no matter how good they might feel at the end... sounds like a good role for a woody allen type... not a Mel Gibson type
Anyone else thinking the reason the movie flopped had more to do with the idea being completely ridiculous and not so much because it is Mel Gibson.
I bet if he comes up with a good story for a new Mad Max sequel, and puts together a good budget for a movie that it will make a buttload of money and get him back in the general publics good graces.
I dont get why these actors change gears on their movie types and expect a good reaction... Mels an action guy, a high paced, slightly crazy, kick *** and get his *** kicked type of star.. thats what peopel want to see him do... I dont think anyone wants to see Mel talking to a tore up beaver puppet for an hour and a half no matter how good they might feel at the end... sounds like a good role for a woody allen type... not a Mel Gibson type