The AT&T acquisition of Bell South ...


Mar 1, 2003
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is not a very good idea for some 10,000 American workers.

But, what about for you? What do you think?
So, we're left with AT&T and.....Verizon?

Nice to see competition is there. Just like Big Oil.
Bob what sarcasism, the phone company is a true dictatorship just ask SWB oh yea thats ATT now.
You just knew that this was an eneviatable event. As soon as they split up AT&T, I'm sure they already had a plan for re-acquiring all the companies back. Just as Bob said, like big oil the phone companies that were many and now a few. Gotta love a healthy oligopoly to make progress happen. Thank got for my cell phone still having different carriers..oh wait...nvm.

I think that it's a good deal for shareholders. There will be opportunities to find efficiencies, which ultimately results in increased profits for shareholders. This, in turn, will be positive for anyone whose pension or portfolio includes either AT&T or BellSouth stock. Which, if I had to guess, would be most pension plans.
What is this pension you speak of?... I'm 23 and have never heard of such a thing being a reality anymore for my generation :D
Most large corporate employers and government positions include some type of pension plan. Often in the US they'll refer to it as your "401K", however, the point is that it's professionally managed investments, generally with some type of equity exposure.
Hello, This is the beginings of end to individual business. As the big companies join each other to control more markets without being a monopoly as possible. Less competition. Just like France has being 20 years ago....Aloha
Flatlander said:
Most large corporate employers and government positions include some type of pension plan. Often in the US they'll refer to it as your "401K", however, the point is that it's professionally managed investments, generally with some type of equity exposure.

I was going for the sarcastic approach but it was nice to get a little reminder of what I will never have. It's all good, I don't expect my company to take care of me anyway. Just free coffee and cheap caffeine to help close those books this time of the month.
Bob Hubbard said:
So, we're left with AT&T and.....Verizon?

Nice to see competition is there. Just like Big Oil.
Don't forget the economic juggernaut and "friend of the employee", Qwest...
Bob Hubbard said:
So, we're left with AT&T and.....Verizon?

Nice to see competition is there. Just like Big Oil.


(totally biased opinion) :angel:
VoIP is just another service that AT&T will offer.

I dont know that its going to go through now though after they made the statement about the 10,00 jobs being lost. We'll see.

lady_kaur said:

(totally biased opinion) :angel:
I use Verizon for phone and DSL. Hasn't seemed worth the hassle to try other things, though I've heard good stuff about VoIP
michaeledward said:
is not a very good idea for some 10,000 American workers.

But, what about for you? What do you think?

Well lousy for those workers, but good over the short haul for me as I own two mutual funds with large stakes in both companies.
Unfortunetally in the long term prices will probably just go up more unless you can buy everything from them. I only want local phone service from my land line provider in this case Verizon and that ends up costing me almost as much per month as my cell phone which has free long distance and other things. Though admittedly it doesn't help that there are like $20 in fees and taxes on the phone.
Competition drive innovation and keeps prices low. But in any competition, given enough time, someone will win. Which means the others dissapear and there is no need for the company to think competitively.

If they are small enough a new one will sprout and force them back into competition, but oil, phone and other really big ones are impossible for someone to break into. No one is going to have the capital required to start a new phone company that could compete with AT&T.

Of course the world changes and the businesses do too. Cell phones, VOIP, other companies have shoots there. Especially if things become more international.

Eventually land lines may become obsoluete. ( I don't have one at home, I have free evenings and weekends on my cell and am at work durring the day... )