OK, now wait just a cotton pickin' moment
The TAO of Jeet Kune Do was published in 1973, after he died.
Bruce wasn't even BORN until November 27, 1940, and didn't start training until he was introduced to Yip Man in early 1954.
(Modern) hapkido began to be practiced in 1949. Not long after, the Water Principle ("Ryu") was established as one of the three principles of hapkido.
Hmm lets see,
striking? Check.
grappling? Check.
multiple opponents? Check.
knifes, guns, etc.? Check
restraining holds without hurting people? Check.
kill someone in seconds? Check.
Sounds like you are describing hapkido to a "T" to ME.
So WHO "invented" mixed MA?

Not saying hapkido: the idea actually has come up in many different cultures over the centuries, but one thing IS for certain: HKD had already covered this ground in Korea before Bruce "invented it" in San Francisco
As for the car analogy, it is a good one. Change the race conditions, and you change which car is "best" (in addition to the driver factor).
You don't want to take a Formula One car out on a dirt track
I've said this before, and I'll say it here again: BJJ is a great art for Brazil where mano y mano fights are the norm.
It also works great in a cage match or any other situation where groundwork is a good option.
For Southeast Missouri where you usually have at least two and as many as five or six rednecks jumping on you at once? I don't think I'll be "rolling," thanks, or taking my time waiting for an armbar or rear naked choke opportunity.
So find out what is best for YOU where YOU are at. There is no universal "best."
If BJJ is best for you where you are at — great! It doesn't HAVE to be the "best art in the world ever" to be the best for YOU where YOU are
So stop trying to convince us and yourself and just get in there and train
Even if you COULD convince me that BJJ is my best option for this area, I don't HAVE a BJJ instructor around here – so it's a moot point~!
And even if hakido IS the best art for you (not saying it IS), could be the only instructor you could find sucks, and you would be better off with BJJ, or Muay Thai, or TKD or...
Anyway, top art I wouldn't want to face?
3) Ninja (poison darts in the back of the neck SUCK!!
