I Don't See It, So It Must Not Work!

Hello, MMA"S, and most martial art tournaments have rules...maybe that is why you will not see certain techniques?

You will not see alot of killing moves or breaking moves because of the rules are to protect the fighters....So one will not see many moves that would work.....!

Most places do not allow eye gouges, throat strikes, hitting behind the necks,groin strikes, or any "breaking allow"......sprine shots...stomping the backs, or ankles.....

Even in class when sparring....we are not allow certain strikes or shots or breaks.....um? I wonder why? .....just kidding...

ON the streets...one can go to jail for life if you kill someone too! So you may not see certain techniques done in a street type fights? ...

Maybe the question should be? ...what are some techniques NOT seen...but will work most times? ..if allow too!

Eyes: most people have two....take away the eye sight? ....(something you rarely see in MMA"S and martial art tournaments) unless it is an accident...............rake? ..poke? ...or gouge? ....very effective HUH!

Ed parker is always seen waving his hands like a corba...raking motions...to the eyes....looks cool!

It may not be seen....yet, everyone has those "unseen" techniques available.....

Look at an empty hand? ....does not seem like a deadly weapon....to the beholder ....it can be!

Aloha, ( typing can take two hands too)....deadly for the key boards...

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