The Anti-Bullying Action Idea thread

Without meaning to further derail us, the way i understand it, rape is functionally similar (but nothing like) bullying, or posturing over someone. Its a way of asserting your dominance over them by breaking them down. And for the victim, rape is very damaging. That damage is what gives the rapist their feeling of dominance, in a functionally similar way to how fear or pain may cause a bully to repeatedly target the same person. In a lesser sense, simply posturing up over someone and threatening them, which could lead to a fight if the situation isnt taken control of, leads to the person doing the threatening to feel stronger, or dominant. Its a way of dominating someone in order to empower yourself.

It doesnt make a bully a coward, or a rapist a person with a victim complex, or a violent individual a wimp.
It makes a bully a bully, a rapist a rapist, and a violent individual a violent individual.
Im open to be corrected if someone has more knowledge on the subject, but trying to turn a perpetrator into something menial and small to make it look like all their crimes are an attempt to prove themselves or something, is unnecessary and id perhaps even say inaccurate.
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ok to reply to the original question, here it is, I have ADHD. I was bullied, and ended up in a boarding school where I was the only none street drug using kind in the place! ( yes literally and you can guess how that went over in a high school age situation ) I tried the reason and logic thing, and being nice. Guess what folks... that does NOT work. What does work, especially when the staff say "its your problem you deal with it!" is to make it clear that they can pay a very very heavy price for their attempt. I had a few months of martial arts years before, but it gave me enough to stop a DEADLY ATTACK.. yes boys and girls the individual wanted to take my life! I struck with a potentially deadly blow and almost killed the attacker! after that and 2 more times i did some real injury the bulling stopped! so you must first look at age, then some of the dynamics of the situation. and you must give the victoms the tools to survive! just like in " the real world" of nations, if you have a strong defense and are willing to slug it out and do real damage, the other guy is not that interested! If you are not able to put up a viable defense, and are defenseless, you WILL be a victim!

I learned this the very hard way! please do not let yourselves or your children learn it that way. its very very costly in many ways.
I see only a difference of degree and a lot of overlap. I expressed my opinion on the subject and I stand by it.

It would be nice if you didn't get expelled or suspended for defending yourself. You do. Either that or you're very, very lucky.

It's not always a victim mentality, sometimes it's a "nobody listens and I'm desperate" mentality.

Being picked on and assaulted is just the tip of the iceberg. Some get stripped and sexually assaulted and it might be a lot more common than you think.

I don't believe in evil but I believe cruelty should be dealt with cruelly.

I don't see why they can't be prosecuted. Why does the school protect them and call the victim a crybaby with a victim mentality? They support it.

Oh, but it's's's human's the pecking order...we don't want to tell the child to get out of the way and die, we just let nature take it's course. Somebody has to be fed to the important kids' ego.

This doesn't happen: Bully picks on you, you tell them to leave you alone, he wants to fight you after school, you get a bloody nose and then you have respect. Oh, no!

It's more like this: Bully makes a plan with his friends, they catch you alone, four of them grab you and haul you into the bush. They take you pants away, kick seven shades out of you, then shove a stick in. You go to the authorities, the bully denies it, the establishment backs up the bully and calls you a trouble maker. Now they have a free pass and you're crying wolf.

I'm at the end of my wits! Why they let this continue is beyond me! Violent criminals belong behind bars!
I see only a difference of degree and a lot of overlap. I expressed my opinion on the subject and I stand by it.

It would be nice if you didn't get expelled or suspended for defending yourself. You do. Either that or you're very, very lucky.

It's not always a victim mentality, sometimes it's a "nobody listens and I'm desperate" mentality.

Being picked on and assaulted is just the tip of the iceberg. Some get stripped and sexually assaulted and it might be a lot more common than you think.

I don't believe in evil but I believe cruelty should be dealt with cruelly.

I don't see why they can't be prosecuted. Why does the school protect them and call the victim a crybaby with a victim mentality? They support it.

Oh, but it's's's human's the pecking order...we don't want to tell the child to get out of the way and die, we just let nature take it's course. Somebody has to be fed to the important kids' ego.

This doesn't happen: Bully picks on you, you tell them to leave you alone, he wants to fight you after school, you get a bloody nose and then you have respect. Oh, no!

It's more like this: Bully makes a plan with his friends, they catch you alone, four of them grab you and haul you into the bush. They take you pants away, kick seven shades out of you, then shove a stick in. You go to the authorities, the bully denies it, the establishment backs up the bully and calls you a trouble maker. Now they have a free pass and you're crying wolf.

I'm at the end of my wits! Why they let this continue is beyond me! Violent criminals belong behind bars!
Em, it sounds like you're responding with some very specific incidents in mind.

Who here has said that bullied kids are cry babies? What school does that? I don't know about every where, but the public schools where my kids have attended didn't believe that to be true.

Do you believe that an eye for an eye is, in general, just? Do you believe that the right thing to do is to be cruel to kids? I can't agree with you if that's true. Even cruelty to cruel kids would be wrong, IMO.

Do you believe that all bullies are criminals who should go to jail? Do you believe that all kids who are bullied are completely innocent, angelic children?

Personally, I think all children are works in progress. None are perfect. And most, excepting only a very few, deserve every opportunity to demonstrate growth and become healthy, happy, productive adults. Putting half or more in jail for bullying would be a little unrealistic.

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in my school district any one fighting or having any kind of physical altercation after 7th grade go strait to juvenile hall... that is their " zero tolerance" policy. Does not matter if there are a dozen witnesses that say so and so attacked so and so! in short its a policy of Zero Thought and Zero responsibility!

So yes if you defend yourself at all, you go to jail! if you do not your still suspended for 3 to 5 days min.... what stupidity!!
in my school district any one fighting or having any kind of physical altercation after 7th grade go strait to juvenile hall... that is their " zero tolerance" policy. Does not matter if there are a dozen witnesses that say so and so attacked so and so! in short its a policy of Zero Thought and Zero responsibility!

So yes if you defend yourself at all, you go to jail! if you do not your still suspended for 3 to 5 days min.... what stupidity!!

I don't know of any school district that has the authority to send a child to juvenile hall. I would agree that it sounds silly.

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