"That's My student"

Big Don

Sr. Grandmaster
Sep 2, 2007
Reaction score
Sanger CA
"That's my student, I recruited" Thus went the facebook post that annoyed me.
I'm a first degree Black Belt. I'm still learning. While I gladly help instruct, none of those students are MY students.
Comes a comment from one of my sifu's green belts:
"That's my student, I recruited."
About one of the white belts at our school.
IMHO, they are your students when you have a school of your own.
I responded
That is NOT your student. You are a green belt, you don't have students. Very disrespectful to Sifu. I hope he doesn't see that.
Am I right, wrong or just taking it wrong?
"That's my student, I recruited" Thus went the facebook post that annoyed me.
I'm a first degree Black Belt. I'm still learning. While I gladly help instruct, none of those students are MY students.
Comes a comment from one of my sifu's green belts: About one of the white belts at our school.
IMHO, they are your students when you have a school of your own.
I responded
Am I right, wrong or just taking it wrong?

I see your point, but might give some leeway with full context. It would depend on whether they're saying "this is the guy I brought into class" or "I'm teaching this guy." Probably worth suggesting they clarify or rephrase to avoid misunderstanding. Especially if they might be "teaching" the guy outside of class...
Your concern is over the word student?

I assume "That's my friend, I recruited." is ok. How about "That's my colleague, I recruited."? Or even "That's the random guy who saw me walking out of the dojang, and I told him how great the school and teacher are. I recruited."

As long as he's not teaching him, or as a green belt, not even correcting him in class, I think the statement is innocent, and not disrespectful.
I understand your reaction entirely, Don.

I had a similar one yesterday at a comment someone made at a seminar I was helping teach at. I won't go into details but I had to bite my lip and say nothing at the sheer hubris and the lack of understanding of what beginners teaching beginners results in.
I understand your reaction entirely, Don.

I had a similar one yesterday at a comment someone made at a seminar I was helping teach at. I won't go into details but I had to bite my lip and say nothing at the sheer hubris and the lack of understanding of what beginners teaching beginners results in.
Yes, and now consider that is not the best martial artists whom are successful, its the best Salesmen. :)
I think it was a righteous thing to say. He does not have any Students, and deserves little but praise at the time for guiding the Beginner towards Recruitment rather than scrubbing for Reputation.
Are you sure he didn't mean to say it like "that's my boy!"?