At my Dojo we have sparring on Monday nights at 6:30, come on by, we've got something for you.
My Sifu loves to spar as do most of our students. Anyone and everyone is welcome to come to spar with us.
Recently one of our Black Belts went to another Kenpo school in a neighboring town and no one would spar with him or the Brown and Green belts (1 of each) that he took with him. Then, I heard that one of our Black Belts went to a different Kenpo school in another neighboring town and was turned away flatly. "No 'outsiders' at sparring" What the heck is that about?
What about your school? Is sparring a major part of your training? Do you have regular sparring nights? Are others welcome to come spar? Or even observe?
How did this thread get from a friendly invitation to spar to a diatribe on challengers? I'm sorry but it's ridiculous, no one is challenging anyone anywhere!
It's just a fun thing, we are all different styles so fitting into each others class is difficult but a friendly spar is something we can all do. There is no need for people to get on their high horses and start chuntering about breaking limbs. If for example a MT member who does Muay Thai in California happens to be in New York where another member does TKD wouldn't it be pleasant if they could have a friendly spar together? They would find it awkward to do each others basic classes and as one is only visiting they can't go through the grading system. I think this is all the OP meant, members of MT who happen to be in the locale of others having a friendly spar together as it's probably the one thing we all have in common as our styles are very different.
That is true, the challenging issue is a bit removed from the original point....
I really think that it comes down to a few factors. First, in Traditional martial arts, its just considered a courtesy to let another school know when you're coming to train. Second, in my mind in a TMA school, it does raise some flags if a COMPLETE STRANGER walks in to a sparring class with no notice and wants to fight. You're right, they are probably not a challenger and they probably have no ill will. BUT, as a school owner, you have to be wary. Because 9 times out of 10, they are fine. Probably just wanted some practice while on vacation...or mix up their sparring partners a bit. But what about the 1 out of 10 who MIGHT not be that innocent? Is it worth taking the chance? How about the students who are not there to fight as much as possible? There's always that possibility and as a school owner you have to be careful. Just look at all of the threads around here talking about liability and the stupid lawsuits people file. When you own the school and are responsible for the property, if something happens, its your butt. I know that I wouldn't take a risk on someone off the street that I didn't know. At least my own students, I KNOW and know their abilities, limits, and issues.
We just had a talk in class tonight about tempers while sparring. I'm sure that THIS happens everywhere. You have someone who can't separate classroom sparring from their anger. Someone gets a good shot in - even if it is accidental and some people just snap. Otherwise good students. In a controlled environment where you know them, it is usually easy to manage and control. What if you got a complete stranger in your school that suddently snapped because someone got a good hit in?
Or the issue of control? I know even some high ranking belts that either haven't LEARNED the proper control or don't feel it is necessary for classroom style sparring. I've taken some full power hits from people in our "light or no contact" sparring. Sometimes accidental, sometimes a lack of control......usually we bow, make sure everyone's ok and continue. But frankly.....I just don't trust people. Unless you know them, see them every week, how can you know?
Now, as you said Tez, if I were to contacted on MT by someone who I knew from here that was going to be in the area and they wanted to get together to spar, no problem! I know (as well as you can on the internet) them, it is prearranged, perfectly harmless in my opinion and a GREAT training opportunity.
If I owned a school, any MT member would be welcome at my sparring classes anytime, although I would like to courtesy of a call ahead - which I don't think is too much to ask.
Now if I owned a school and a student from another style, from another school walked in to sparring class and wanted to fight, I would definately think twice. Not that they were challenging....but to be quite honest (and this is meant with no offense to ANYONE here), there are plenty of nutballs out there just looking for a fight....and it is REALLY easy to buy a karate uniform and belt. If for no other reason than in this crazy society if something happened (one of my students hurt them or they hurt one of my students), it is my *** on the line. At least with your own students, the risk is a known quantity.